
This is a simple UART wrapping GUI for communication with the ZCU106 board.

Manual installation

You need to have python3.10 and python3-pip installed for your platform. This is a main requirement. You can find the latest python here. You also need to install python3-pip along the way.

To install python3 dependencies from attached file, run:

`pip3 install -r requirements.txt`

using the requirements.txt file in the root of this repository.


You need to install CP21xx drivers from the link ( official silicon labs site )


To launch the GUI just run with your python3.10 installation.


The GUI is configured by the config.ini file. You can find it in the root of this repository.

Hardware connection

To see that board was connected all you need is to connect computer USB port with the board's UART micro USB port. After that you will see that connection button is green and board readings is there. Board will send readings only of power is ON.

(picture of the port will be here)


Source are presented with with SafetyDemoGui class and file with UartHandler.

Event mechanism

To handle events from the board, we use UartHandler class. It is a thread that is constantly reading from the UART port. It is also responsible for sending commands to the board. Messages with EVENT: are checked for events and are sent to the SafetyDemoGui class. SafetyDemoGui class is responsible for handling events and updating the GUI. It is also responsible for sending commands to the UartHandler class according to button-specific and pereodic actions.

As of writing this, there are following events that are handled by the SafetyDemoGui class:

    events_dict = { "PATTERN_DONE":"" ,
                    "STARTED":"" ,
                    "PATTERN_SKIP":"" ,
                    "BLINK":"" ,
                    "STOP_LOOP":"" ,
                    "VALUE_UPDATE":"" }

Known issues

  • If too many messages are recived to the board, UartHandler will split it into 2 readings and event line might be split in half. You can overcome this issue by not dfining DEBUG_PRINTS in main.c file of the firmware to limit the number of prints.
  • If you are using Windows, you might need to install this driver to make the board work.


  • Delay between sending commands to the board

Regarding serial communication:

Just some links for me: