
Create protected zip files from the Oracle Database

Primary LanguageJava


Create password protected Zip files, using java stored procedures. The example of the compressing blob file into zip file is described bellow

   p_ProtectedZipCreator.Archive(ab_Input => lb_file, 
                                 ab_Output => lb_Result, 
                                 av_zipPass => 'some_password',
                                 av_FileName => 'some_file.txt', 
                                 ac_OutErrBuf => lc_Err);

where, ab_Input - the source file for compressing, ab_Output - the compressed zip file, av_ZipPass - the password for the zip file, av_FileName - the filename inside the zip archive, ac_OutErrBuf - clob file containing the log of the java errors.


For installing firstly you will need loadjava utility. The loadjava utility loads Java source and class files into the database. When class files are created in a conventional manner, outside the database, loadjava is used to get them into the database. For the ProtectedZipCreator we need to install zip4j external library. Change the directory of the terminal to {project_root}/external-libraries/zip4j-1.3.2.jar directory and execute the following script in order to load java into Oracle database.

loadjava -user db_user/db_user_pass@db_name -resolve -v zip4j-1.3.2.jar

After loading java library to the Database, compile the {project_root}/java-sources and {project_root}/packages sources into the Database.


You will need to have SOME_DIRECTORY directory and inside of the directory file called some_file.txt. After executing the bellow script, in the SOME_DIRECTORY directory will be created a compressed file some_file.zip.

   lb_file blob;
   lb_Result blob;
   lc_Err clob;

   procedure LoadBlobFromFile(av_Directory varchar2, av_FileName varchar2) is
      lb_xml bfile := bFilename(av_Directory, av_FileName);
      li_dest int := 1;
      li_src int := 1;
      warning int;
      ltx int := 0;
      dbms_lob.fileopen(lb_xml, dbms_lob.lob_readonly);
      dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile(lb_file, lb_xml, dbms_lob.getlength(lb_xml),
                                li_dest, li_src);

   procedure save_file(av_Directory varchar2, av_FileName varchar2, lb_Src blob) is
      l_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
      l_buffer raw(32767);
      l_amount binary_integer := 32767;
      l_pos integer := 1;
      l_blob_len integer;
      l_blob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength(lb_Src);
      -- Open the destination file.
      l_file := UTL_FILE.fopen(av_Directory, av_FileName, 'w', 32767);
      -- Read chunks of the BLOB and write them to the file
      -- until complete.
      while l_pos < l_blob_len loop
         DBMS_LOB.read(lb_Src, l_amount, l_pos, l_buffer);
         UTL_FILE.put_raw(l_file, l_buffer, true);
         l_pos := l_pos + l_amount;
      end loop;
      -- Close the file.
      when others then
         -- Close the file if something goes wrong.
         if UTL_FILE.is_open(l_file) then
         end if;

   dbms_lob.createtemporary(lb_file, true, dbms_lob.call);
   dbms_lob.createtemporary(lb_Result, true, dbms_lob.call);
   dbms_lob.createtemporary(lc_Err, true, dbms_lob.call);
   LoadBlobFromFile('SOME_DIRECTORY', 'some_file.txt');

   p_ProtectedZipCreator.Archive(ab_Input => lb_file, ab_Output => lb_Result,
                                 av_zipPass => '123',
                                 av_FileName => 'some_file.txt',
                                 ac_OutErrBuf => lc_Err);

   save_file('SOME_DIRECTORY', 'some_file.zip', lb_Result);


Tested on Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production.