
User Assignments interface. The general view of the interface is a heading with a button for switching the current role and a button for adding a new task.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Example task manager interface

User Assignments interface. The general view of the interface is a heading with a button for switching the current role and a button for adding a new task.

General view of the interface

List of job attributes
  • date added;
  • priority;
  • the task;
  • comment;
  • status (open / closed);
  • action (with buttons leave a comment, mark as completed / removed).

Add task dialog box

The task list has the ability to change the priority. The form for adding a new task is implemented in the form of a dialog box and contains a title, a priority selection selector.

Written in ReactJS + Semantic UI (use Node and NPM). To debug an application on a local server, you must first install the necessary dependencies:

  • npm install Installing dependencies.
  • npm update Update all dependencies.
  • npm start Launches a local webserver for debugging the application.
  • npm run build Compiles applications for deployment.

All data of user tasks after the first launch of the project is placed in local storage. Any manipulations - adding a comment, a new task or changing the priority, make changes to the data stored in the device browser.

const tasks = [
      id: 1,
      priority: 'critical',
      open: true,
      date: '19.06.2021 11:15',
      subject: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
      comments: [
          'Vestibulum eros nisi, ornare a ex sit amet, convallis lobortis neque.',
          'Ut euismod iaculis lacus, non ullamcorper neque pretium vel.'