
Bulk indexing command line tool for elasticsearch.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Fast parallel command line bulk loading utility for elasticsearch. Data is read from a newline delimited JSON file or stdin and indexed into elasticsearch in bulk and in parallel. The shortest command would be:

$ esbulk -index my-index-name < file.ldj

Caveat: If indexing pressure on the bulk API is too high (dozens or hundreds of parallel workers, large batch sizes, depending on you setup), esbulk will halt and report an error:

$ esbulk -index my-index-name -w 100 file.ldj
2017/01/02 16:25:25 error during bulk operation, try less workers (lower -w value) or
                    increase thread_pool.bulk.queue_size in your nodes

Please note that, in such a case, some documents are indexed and some are not. Your index will be in an inconsistent state, since there is no transactional bracket around the indexing process.

However, using defaults (parallelism: number of cores) on a single node setup will just work. For larger clusters, increase the number of workers until you see full CPU utilization. After that, more workers won't buy any more speed.

Currently, esbulk is tested against elasticsearch versions 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 using testcontainers. Originally written for Leipzig University Library, project finc.

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub All Releases


$ go install github.com/miku/esbulk/cmd/esbulk@latest

For deb or rpm packages, see: https://github.com/miku/esbulk/releases


$ esbulk -h
Usage of esbulk:
  -0    set the number of replicas to 0 during indexing
  -c string
        create index mappings, settings, aliases, https://is.gd/3zszeu
  -cpuprofile string
        write cpu profile to file
  -id string
        name of field to use as id field, by default ids are autogenerated
  -index string
        index name
  -mapping string
        mapping string or filename to apply before indexing
  -memprofile string
        write heap profile to file
  -optype string
        optype (index - will replace existing data,
                create - will only create a new doc,
                update - create new or update existing data)
        (default "index")
  -p string
        pipeline to use to preprocess documents
        purge any existing index before indexing
  -purge-pause duration
        pause after purge (default 1s)
  -r string
        Refresh interval after import (default "1s")
  -server value
        elasticsearch server, this works with https as well
  -size int
        bulk batch size (default 1000)
        skip broken json
  -type string
        elasticsearch doc type (deprecated since ES7)
  -u string
        http basic auth username:password, like curl -u
  -v    prints current program version
        output basic progress
  -w int
        number of workers to use (default 8)
  -z    unzip gz'd file on the fly

To index a JSON file, that contains one document per line, just run:

$ esbulk -index example file.ldj

Where file.ldj is line delimited JSON, like:

{"name": "esbulk", "version": "0.2.4"}
{"name": "estab", "version": "0.1.3"}

By default esbulk will use as many parallel workers, as there are cores. To tweak the indexing process, adjust the -size and -w parameters.

You can index from gzipped files as well, using the -z flag:

$ esbulk -z -index example file.ldj.gz

Starting with 0.3.7 the preferred method to set a non-default server hostport is via -server, e.g.

$ esbulk -server

This way, you can use https as well, which was not possible before. Options -host and -port are gone as of esbulk 0.5.0.

Reusing IDs

Since version 0.3.8: If you want to reuse IDs from your documents in elasticsearch, you can specify the ID field via -id flag:

$ cat file.json
{"x": "doc-1", "db": "mysql"}
{"x": "doc-2", "db": "mongo"}

Here, we would like to reuse the ID from field x.

$ esbulk -id x -index throwaway -verbose file.json

$ curl -s http://localhost:9200/throwaway/_search | jq
  "took": 2,
  "timed_out": false,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 5,
    "successful": 5,
    "failed": 0
  "hits": {
    "total": 2,
    "max_score": 1,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "throwaway",
        "_type": "default",
        "_id": "doc-2",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "x": "doc-2",
          "db": "mongo"
        "_index": "throwaway",
        "_type": "default",
        "_id": "doc-1",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "x": "doc-1",
          "db": "mysql"

Nested ID fields

Version 0.4.3 adds support for nested ID fields:

$ cat fixtures/pr-8-1.json
{"a": {"b": 1}}
{"a": {"b": 2}}
{"a": {"b": 3}}

$ esbulk -index throwaway -id a.b < fixtures/pr-8-1.json

Concatenated ID

Version 0.4.3 adds support for IDs that are the concatenation of multiple fields:

$ cat fixtures/pr-8-2.json
{"a": {"b": 1}, "c": "a"}
{"a": {"b": 2}, "c": "b"}
{"a": {"b": 3}, "c": "c"}

$ esbulk -index throwaway -id a.b,c < fixtures/pr-8-1.json

        "_index": "xxx",
        "_type": "default",
        "_id": "1a",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "a": {
            "b": 1
          "c": "a"

Using X-Pack

Since 0.4.2: support for secured elasticsearch nodes:

$ esbulk -u elastic:changeme -index myindex file.ldj

A similar project has been started for solr, called solrbulk.


and others.


$ csvlook -I measurements.csv
| es    | esbulk | docs      | avg_b | nodes | cores | total_heap_gb | t_s   | docs_per_s | repl |
| 6.1.2 | 0.4.8  | 138000000 | 2000  | 1     | 32    |  64           |  6420 |  22100     | 1    |
| 6.1.2 | 0.4.8  | 138000000 | 2000  | 1     |  8    |  30           | 27360 |   5100     | 1    |
| 6.1.2 | 0.4.8  |   1000000 | 2000  | 1     |  4    |   1           |   300 |   3300     | 1    |
| 6.1.2 | 0.4.8  |  10000000 |   26  | 1     |  4    |   8           |   122 |  81000     | 1    |
| 6.1.2 | 0.4.8  |  10000000 |   26  | 1     | 32    |  64           |    32 | 307000     | 1    |
| 6.2.3 | 0.4.10 | 142944530 | 2000  | 2     | 64    | 128           | 26253 |   5444     | 1    |
| 6.2.3 | 0.4.10 | 142944530 | 2000  | 2     | 64    | 128           | 11113 |  12831     | 0    |
| 6.2.3 | 0.4.13 |  15000000 | 6000  | 2     | 64    | 128           |  2460 |   6400     | 0    |

Why not add a row?