
Jobportal Uni Leipzig

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


About jpul

Jobboard, University of Leipzig, Career Center.


Developer Topics


apache/ Apache conf for local development, adjust at your discretion.

assets/ Belongs to Yii. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1679151/whats-the-proper-way-to-work-with-assets-in-yii

benchmarks/ Untracked. Just some ab stats.

css/ Used by Yii. All css.

docs/ Documentation and assets. Not Yii-related.

dumps/ Our developer DB dumps. Not Yii-related.

ext/ External pages for testing and show-casing. Not Yii-related. Includes some helper scripts now, mainly: jobportal-mount, which establishes a ssh-in-ssh connection through transparent sockets.

images/ Used by Yii.

js/ Used by Yii.

migrations/ DB migrations. Filename format: XXX-short-description.sql These migrations are the means of DB updates. SQL should not be applied manually on the DB, but with a specified migration. This way, all changes are documented. Each migration must end with an INSERT into the schema_version table. E.g.

    INSERT INTO schema_version(`migration_code`, `extra_notes`)
        VALUES ('010', 'cleanup test jobs');

If one has to rebuild a DB-schema from scratch, `cat` all migrations
in one big SQL, which is ready for import.

protected/ All Yii. protected/data holds our current SQL schemes.

themes/ Used by Yii, but not used by us.

uploads/ Our generic upload folder. Used by Yii. protected/components/Controller.php provides a method for retrieving the path: string getUploadPath()

Rolling out new code

OS X ....

Log in to wwwdup.uni-leipzig.de (via MacFuse / MacFusion)
The script ext/jobportal-mount can be used
(just adjust your TARGET directory). There is a short story
in that script, too, about how use an ssh proxy for ssh itself.

    $ cd /Volumes/jobp--wwwdup.uni-leipzig.de
    $ # or whatever TARGET~

Create a dump. Always.

    $ zip -r webdir.`epoch`.zip webdir/
    $ cp webdir.1296641156.zip ~/projects/jobportal-uni-leipzig/dumps

Create a full dump of the MySQL DB (via phpmysql) -

Now check, if there are any outstanding DB migrations (take a look at
the schema_version column).

Is the site still up? Good.

Now pull the source directly into webdir, so ...

    $ cd /Volumes/jobp--wwwdup.uni-leipzig.de/webdir
    $ git st

Deal with any outstanding live changes or untracked file.

    $ git pull origin master


Using patches to updates.

sshfs is flaky on pulls with more than only a few commits (why?). To
counteract this, you can update production via patches.

Create a patch on your development machine. The last commit on production
should be the starting point.

    $ git format-patch --stdout 6f74cc68..$(cat .git/refs/heads/master) > update.patch

Copy the patch to your TARGET. Check the patch:

    $ git apply --check update.patch

If everything is fine, apply:

    $ git apply update.patch

Search query language

See: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.search.lucene.query-language.html

Temporarily disabling the application

Rename index.php to something else, e.g. index.php.offline; index.html will be dislaying a placeholder nice image instead.

Nice URLs?