
Run code from an etherpad

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a working prototype - use your own risk.

Run code from an etherpad. Designed for collaborative editing, e.g. in a classroom setting. Works with any publicly accessible pad.

What code is executed?

  • we call a fenced code a snippet
  • in the future you will be able to control execution with additional options

Each instance gets a scratch space for files as well. Each pad also gets access to a virtual filesystem containing a variety of data.


$ RUNPAD_BASE_URL=http://example.com/api RUNPAD_APIKEY=123 runpad -h
Usage of runpad:
  -a string
        etherpad api key (default "123")
  -c    show pad contents and info
  -l    list pads
  -p string
        pad name to watch (default "runpad")
  -r int
        run snippet with given id (default -1)
  -s    list snippets
  -u string
        etherpad base URL (default "http://example.com/api")


$ watch ./runpad -r 0 -p hello


  • container sandbox
  • only run code on change
  • implement watch like monitor
  • webpage to follow output