This project involves scraping broker information from a website that requires login. There are two versions of the scraper:

  1. Anonymous Broker Version: This version scrapes broker information without emails.
  2. Emails Broker Version: This version scrapes broker information including emails, requiring user authentication.

Anonymous Broker Version

This version scrapes broker information excluding emails. It runs relatively fast, taking approximately 6 minutes to complete.

Run the script using Python:


Emails Broker Version

This version scrapes broker information including emails. It requires user authentication and takes about 2 hours to complete.

Obtaining Cookies and Headers

Follow the guide on StackOverflow to obtain your cookies and headers. Use the "Search" request that appears when you click the 'RĂ©pertoire' button, instead of the first network request mentioned in the guide. Copy your cookies and headers information into the predefined variables in the script.

Preparing the Script
