Shutdownable is a Class decorator.
The purpose of this decorator is to add (or modify) an async shutdown
method to the class.
The shutdown
method will await for any existing calls on other named methods to complete before returning. Once shutdown()
has begun, calling any of the other named methods will throw a ShuttingDownError
error, preventing them from running.
npm install shutdownable
const shutdownable = require('shutdownable');
const delay = (ms) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
class A {
async init() {
console.log('init start');
await delay(1000);
console.log('init end');
async run() {
console.log('run start');
await delay(2000);
console.log('run end');
// apply the decorator to the class and its methods
shutdownable(A, ['init', 'run']);
async function main() {
const a = new A();
setTimeout(async () => {
console.log('shutting down');
await a.shutdown();
console.log('shutdown complete. All init() & run() methods have completed.');
}, 1500);
await a.init();
await Promise.all([,,,
console.log('end of main()');