
My own ๐Ÿงช for my own ๐Ÿ’ฉ

Primary LanguageRuby

Quickstart guide to creating your own formulae

โš’๏ธ Required tools

1. Create a tap

brew tap-new mikybars/tools

2. Create a repo in GitHub

cd $(brew --repository mikybars/tools)
gh repo create homebrew-tools --source=. --public --push

3. Create a formula in the tap

brew create \
    --tap=mikybars/tools \
    --python \
    --set-name hadolint-wrapper \

4. Edit the new formula

# not really necessary as the `create` command already opens the editor
brew edit mikybars/tools/hadolint-wrapper

Don't forget to remove all the generated comments and fill in the required fields:

class HadolintWrapper < Formula
  include Language::Python::Virtualenv

  desc "<DESC_HERE>"
  homepage "<HOMEPAGE_HERE>"
  url "https://github.com/mikybars/hadolint-wrapper/releases/download/v1.2.1/hadolintw-1.2.1-brew.tar.gz"
  sha256 "62ade57[...]167f0"
  license "<LICENSE_HERE>"

  depends_on "python"

  resource "click" do
    url "https://files.pythonhosted.org/[...]/click-8.1.7.tar.gz"
    sha256 "ca9853[...]ca6de"

  def install

  test do
    system "true"

5. Write some test(s) ๐Ÿ™

  test do
    resource("testdata") do
      url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikybars/[...]/Dockerfile.example"
      sha256 "495ade[...]04b7ad"

    resource("testdata").stage do
      assert_match "[x] DL3006:", shell_output("#{bin}/hadolintw Dockerfile.example --error DL3006", 1)

6. Create a new branch and submit a PR with the new formula

git switch --create hadolint-wrapper
git add .
git commit --message "hadolint-wrapper 1.2.1 (new formula)"
git push
gh pr create --fill

A new workflow will then be triggered in GitHub that will build bottles for different OSs. Wait until all the jobs are finished:

gh run watch

Watch for any errors and push as new commits as necessary to fix them (e.g. syntax errors, style issues, failing tests).

7. Upload built bottles

7.1 Grant write permissions to GitHub Actions

This next step involves writing some commits in the repository with the outcome of the previous workflows.

Previously, GitHub Actions would get a GITHUB_TOKEN with both read/write permissions by default whenever Actions is enabled on a repository... but not anymore.

So the recommended action is to go to the Actions permissions setting (Settings -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions) and check the Read and write permissions option.

7.2 Trigger the publish workflow

gh label create pr-pull
gh pr edit --add-label pr-pull

Then wait again for the results:

gh run watch

If everything went well then there should be four things to check:

  1. The PR is now closed (not merged)
    gh pr view
  2. The commits in your PR are now back in main
    git switch main
    git pull
    git log
  3. A new release was created including the built bottles as assets
    gh release view
  4. A new commit was pushed to main updating the formula
    git show
    bottle do
      root_url "https://github.com/mikybars/homebrew-tools/releases/download/hadolint-wrapper-1.2.1"
      sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, ventura:      "60c101[...]1bbcd"
      sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "cafe49[...]b619a"

8. Build bottles for your own architecture (bonus ๐ŸŒŸ)

This last step is just for when your architecture is fairly new (Apple Silicon M1/arm64) and there is no supporting runner available in GitHub yet for building bottles for it ๐Ÿ‘€ github/roadmap#528

brew install --build-bottle hadolint-wrapper
brew bottle hadolint-wrapper

The output from the above will be the path to the built bottle file and the block you must add to the formula:

 bottle do
    rebuild 1
    sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_ventura: "1771c2442f6c0cb052d7bb9f796263170698948b25869ff85749161296ce400a"
# !! rememeber to rename the file to remove the duplicate dash '-'
mv hadolint-wrapper{--,-}1.2.1.arm64_ventura.bottle.tar.gz
gh release view --json tagName --template '{{.tagName}}'
# --> hadolint-wrapper-1.2.1
gh release upload \
  hadolint-wrapper-1.2.1 \

# and then after adding the new bottle block...
git commit --all -m "add hadolint-wrapper bottle for arm64_ventura"
git push
