
Generating graphics using Elixir, Phoenix LiveView and SVG

Primary LanguageElixir

Generating graphics using Elixir, Phoenix LiveView and SVG

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Install Node.js dependencies with npm install inside the assets directory
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

The App

The app renders circles according to settings (minimum distance of circles, color, opacity, size). You can even save the final image as JPG (and maybe use it as a wallpaper ;-)).

Poisson circles

About building this app

It's a Phoenix LiveView project

New project is created using Mix:

mix phx.new poisson_colors --no-ecto --live

Poisson disc sampling

Circles' positions are calculated using Poisson disc sampling algorithm (even random distribution).

UI & updating settings

Settings are updated using LiveView's phx-change form event, for example:

<form phx-change="color">

and handle_event callback:

def handle_event("color", color, socket) do

Socket is then updated and graphics regenerated according to the new settings:

{:noreply, assign(socket, settings: settings, objects: re_generate_objects(socket.assigns.objects, settings))}


Each circle has its style, for example:

%{radius: 53, hue: 329, saturation: 72, lightness: 60, opacity: 0.8}

Circles are rendered as SVG elements into .html.leex template

<%= for object <- @objects do %>
<circle cx="<%= object.x %>" cy="<%= object.y %>"
    r="<%= object.style.radius %>"
    fill="hsla(<%= object.style.hue %>, <%= object.style.saturation %>%,
    <%= object.style.lightness %>%, <%= object.style.opacity %>" />
<% end %>

Exporting images to JPG

At first, graphics is exported to a SVG file using EEx.eval_file and .eex template.

  objects: socket.assigns.objects,
  canvas_w: socket.assigns.canvas_w,
  canvas_h: socket.assigns.canvas_h,
  background: socket.assigns.background

SVG file is then converted to a JPG using ImageMagick's convert function. (For this to work you need to have ImageMagick installed.)

System.cmd("convert", [file <> ".svg", file <> ".jpg"])

Poisson circles