
A news app with different technologies

Primary LanguagePython

This is my Milky Galaxy, a sample news application that uses different technologies.

This is a Django-based web service that provides several RESTFul APIs for creating, deleting and getting channels and articles as well as doing registration and login.


First, cd news/, then:

With Docker

Make sure that you have Docker in your machine. Now, run the following commands:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Without Docker

Make sure that you have Python, Pip and Redis installed in your machine. Then install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, run the celery workers at the background:

celery -A news worker --loglevel=debug --concurrency=4 --detach

And finally run the project:

python manage.py runserver

Running the tests

With Docker:

docker-compose run web pytest

or without Docker:


Admin panel

First, create a superuser:

With Docker

 docker-compose run web python manage.py createsuperuser

Without Docker

python manage.py createsuperuser

Then, go to admin panel via:

APIs list with Swagger

You can have the access to Swagger on the following address:

How to use?

In order to add a new channel or article, first you need to create a new user, and then add the access token to the header of the related request.

**For more details about APIs input and output, please check the Swagger page mentioned above.


1- Add a new user:


2- Get the access token:

You must provid username and password in the body of the post request.

3- Add a new article

You must add a param in the header as Authorization with the value of Bearer access_token

**For more details about APIs input and output, please check the Swagger page mentioned above.