
this script is used for watch snort alert on database and send them by email in linux systems

Primary LanguagePython



this script is used for watch snort alert on database and send them by email in linux systems

mysql and barnyard must installed and configured then snort-watcher read data from database

please define variable of database information and email in ex_var.py

first install mysql-connector :

pip3 install mysql-connector-python

for use it you must add script to crontab and set time for runing for example

in /etc/crontab

5 * * * * root python3 /root/Snort-Watcher.py

check database every hour

example of email subject : [Nids][Sensor1][denial-of-service ]

you can define your sensor id and name in script : sensor_sid = {'17': 'Shatel.ir', '18': 'Dns'} its depend on sensor id on base , you can see your sensor id on base