
Benchmark runner for performance regression test suites

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Easy to setup, benchmark tool for Node.js. This module is inspired by jest.


BipBip is intended to be run as a part of a performance regression test suite. It is intended to help answer questions like "have performance characteristics changed between releases" or "does this change have an impact on performance?"


$ npm install -g bipbip


Create a file __benchmarks__/hello.js (example):

suite('Hello world', () => {
    scenario('hello()', () => {

    scenario('world()', () => {

then run:

$ bipbip

Results can be saved to a JSON file, to be compared later on:

$ bipbip --save ./results.json
$ bipbip --compare ./results.json

Benchmarks API

bipbip defines some global variables in the executed JS files:

  • suite(name: string, fn: () => void): define a suite of scenarios
  • scenario(name: string, run: () => void): define a scenario

CLI options

$ bipbip <files...> [options]

The command line accepts globs as arguments: benchmark *.js, benchmark module1/*.js module2/*.js

Option Description
-s, --save [file] Save the results of benchmarks
-c, --compare [file] Compare the results to previously saved results
-d, --duration [ms] Maximum duration of each scenario (default is 5sec)
-e, --executions [count] Maximum executions per scenario (default is 1M)

Usage in a CI

When using bipbip in a CI service (like Travis), the results can be preserved in the CI cache.

    - if: branch = master
        - bipbip --save .cache/benchmarks.json --compare .cache/benchmarks.json
    - if: branch != master
        - bipbip --compare .cache/benchmarks.json

Usage with babel

When running benchmarks on JS files not compiled for the current node version. You can run the benchmark CLI using babel-node:

$ babel-node node_modules/.bin/bipbip