
Fetching all google calendar events using Oauth2.0 mechanism without using any library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Oauth2.0 | google calendar API

In this project i have implemented google Oauth2.0 mechanisam withou taking help of any third party or strandard libray

Two end points are used

  • this app is currently in testing mode so if you want to test this app send me your email address i will add you as a testing account *

  • using this api you can fetch all the events of your google calendar it will give the response in json formated view inside browser

To test this API follow this steps

  • create cert.pem & key.pem file in side your root directory {Because i have implemented this nodejs api on https with localhost secure network architecture}
  • Now run the application by using command npm run start
  • heat the following URL in your browser https://localhost:3000/api/auth
  • Now by authenticating user account it will shows the all available events in google calendar

Feel free to ask your queryies on webmilan13@gmail.com

Thank you.😊