UPDATES: Highly recommend OffSec Proving Grounds for OSCP preparation! My best ranking in December 2021 is 16 / 2147 students. I share my writeups of 50+ old PG Practice machines (please send a request):

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17KUupo8dF8lPJqUzjObIqQLup1h_py9t?usp=sharing best_ranking_offsec


To prepare for my future job as a security pentester, I plan to get the certificate OSCP next year. Before taking the exam, I need to take the course Penetration Testing with Kali Linux (PWK) provided by Offensive Security. This repo contains my notes of the journey and also keeps track of my progress.


  • 01/03/2020: Start my journey
  • Mar 01 - 08, 2020: rooted 6 machines (Alice, Alpha, Mike, Hotline, Kraken, Dotty) & got low shell 3 machines (Bob, FC4, Sean). Total: 6 machines.
  • Mar 09 - 15, 2020: rooted 5 machines (Pain, Susie, Jeff, Phoenix, Beta) & got low shell 3 machines (Core, Disco, Leftturn). Total: 11 machines.
  • Mar 16 - 22, 2020: rooted 5 machines (Leftturn, Bethany, FC4, Core, Break). Total: 16 machines.
  • Mar 23 - 29, 2020: did some exercises (chapter 2, 3, 6), rooted 1 machines (Ralph) & unlocked IT Department. Total: 17 machines.
  • Mar 30 - Apr 05, 2020: rooted 7 machines (Bruce, Bob, Tophat, JD, Joe, Parrot, Sean) & got low shell 1 machines (Timeclock). Total: 24 machines (found the same network-secret.txt of IT Dept on another machine).
  • Apr 06 - 12, 2020: rooted 3 machines (Timeclock, Disco, Gh0st) & unlocked DEV Department. Total: 27 machines.

Try Hack Me (OSCP Preparation Path)

Hack The Box

  • 15/08/2019: Set VIP account and connect to machines
  • 15/08/2019: Solve Lame


  • 17/08/2019: Solve Toppo
  • 11/2019 - 02/2020: Root all 43/43 machines Selection_383


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