
Telegram bot notifying about delays on the Dutch Railways (NS)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Telegram bot which, at a given time, notifies you of any possible delays for a journey with the Dutch Railways (NS).

You need a Telegram Bot and NS API credentials.

Runs in Docker and is configured using a YAML file.

Example config.yml

  - from: Ut
    to: Amf
    cron: "0 8 * * mon,tue,wed,thu"
  - from: Amf
    to: Ut
    cron: "0 17 * * mon,tue,wed,thu"

Will notify you for journeys from Utrecht Centraal to Amersfoort, every Monday to Thursday at 8AM, and from Amersfoort to Utrecht Centraal, every day at 5PM.

For all station codes see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railway_stations_in_the_Netherlands

Example docker run

docker run --rm -d \
-e NS_LOGIN=ns_api_login \
-e NS_PASSWORD=ns_api_password \
-e TELEGRAM_TOKEN=bot_token \
-e TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=bot_chat_id \
-v /path/to/config.yml:/app/config.yml \
-v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone \

Initiate a conversation with your Telegram bot, then visit https://api.telegram.org/bot{token}/getUpdates to find your TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID.