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🐼 PandaCSS preset for typography

A 🐼 PandaCSS typography preset inspired by the TailwindCSS typography plugin


npm install --save-dev pandacss-preset-typography


Add the preset to your PandaCSS configuration (panda.config.ts)

import { defineConfig } from "@pandacss/dev";

// Import the preset. The name can be anything you want
import typographyPreset from "pandacss-preset-typography";

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [
    // Re-add the panda presets if you want to keep
    // the default keyframes, breakpoints, tokens
    // and textStyles provided by PandaCSS


The preset generates a prose recipe for you that you can use to add beautiful typographic defaults to any vanilla HTML you don’t control, like HTML rendered from Markdown, or pulled from a CMS.


You can provide 5 different sizes: sm, base, lg, xl and 2xl. If you provide no options, the default size is set as base or as whatever you've set it as in the options.

// Import it from wherever you export panda to, also make sure
// you change the name 'prose' if you've set a custom name.
import { prose } from "@pandacss/out/recipes";

export function Page() {
  return <div className={prose({ size: "lg" })}></div>;


Just like in TailwindCSS, there's also an extra .lead class you can apply to any element within the scope of prose to get a nice lead paragraph.


You can change the default options as shown below.

presets: [
    recipe: {
      // Name of the recipe export
      name: "prose",
      className: "prose",
      // Sizes you want to include
      sizes: ["sm", "base", "lg", "xl", "2xl"],
      defaultSize: "base",
      // Enable/disable not-prose functionality
      // just like in TailwindCSS
      notProse: false,
      // notProse: true,
      // notProse: {
      //   className: "not-prose",
      // },
      semanticTokens: {
        // defaults: true,
        defaults: {
          // Set a color palette to use for the defaults.
          // It only works with colors that have a numeric scale (11x)
          // from 50 to 950. (50, 100, 200, ..., 800, 900, 950).
          colorPalette: "slate",
        // The prefix to use for semantic tokens.
        // ex: --colors-<prefix>-body
        prefix: "prose",


Colors are currently being handled by CSS variables. The default colors are as followed:

  semanticTokens: {
    colors: {
      // Or whatever name you've set as the semantic tokens
      // prefix or recipe name
      prose: {
        body: {
          value: "{colors.slate.700}",
        heading: {
          value: "{colors.slate.900}",
        lead: {
          value: "{colors.slate.600}",
        link: {
          value: "{colors.slate.900}",
        bold: {
          value: "{colors.slate.900}",
        counter: {
          value: "{colors.slate.500}",
        bullet: {
          value: "{colors.slate.300}",
        hrBorder: {
          value: "{colors.slate.200}",
        quote: {
          value: "{colors.slate.900}",
        quoteBorder: {
          value: "{colors.slate.200}",
        caption: {
          value: "{colors.slate.500}",
        kbd: {
          value: "{colors.slate.900}",
        kbdShadow: {
          // Expects an RGB value
          value: "0 0 0",
        code: {
          value: "{colors.slate.900}",
        preCode: {
          value: "{colors.slate.200}",
        preBg: {
          value: "{colors.slate.800}",
        thBorder: {
          value: "{colors.slate.300}",
        tdBorder: {
          value: "{colors.slate.200}",

If you have the Radix Colors preset installed for example, you'll get dark mode support out of the box by providing the colors as shown below. These colors combinations aren't fully tested, so change according to preference.

  semanticTokens: {
    colors: {
      // Or whatever name you've set as the semantic tokens
      // prefix or recipe name
      prose: {
        body: {
          value: "{colors.slate.12}",
        heading: {
          value: "{colors.slate.12}",
        lead: {
          value: "{colors.slate.12}",
        link: {
          value: "{}",
        bold: {
          value: "{colors.slate.12}",
        counter: {
          value: "{colors.slate.11}",
        bullet: {
          value: "{colors.slate.11}",
        hrBorder: {
          value: "{colors.slate.6}",
        quote: {
          value: "{colors.slate.11}",
        quoteBorder: {
          value: "{colors.slate.6}",
        caption: {
          value: "{colors.slate.11}",
        kbd: {
          value: "{colors.slate.11}",
        kbdShadow: {
          // Expects an RGB value
          value: "0 0 0",
        code: {
          value: "{colors.amber.11}",
        preCode: {
          value: "{colors.slate.12}",
        preBg: {
          value: "{colors.slate.2}",
        thBorder: {
          value: "{colors.slate.6}",
        tdBorder: {
          value: "{colors.slate.6}",
