
Learning & Solving Problems on LeetCode in Swift/CPP/Python

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Learning & Solving Problems on LeetCode

Table of Content

Problems [Swift]


May Challenge [Swift]

Week 1: May 1st–May 7th Week 2: May 8th–May 14th Week 3: May 15th–May 21st Week 4: May 22nd–May 28th Week 5: May 29th–May 31st
First Bad Version Check Straight Line Maximum Sum Circular Subarray Sort Characters by Frequency Course Schedule
Jewels and Stones Valid Perfect Square Odd Even LinkedList Interval List Intersections K Closest Points to Origin
Ransom Note Find The Town Judge Find All Anagrams In a String Construct Binary Search Tree From Preorder Traversal Edit Distance
Number Complement Flood Fill Permutation In String Uncrossed Lines
First Unique Character In String Single Element In A Sorted Array Online Stock Span Contiguous Array
Majority Element Remove K Digits Kth Smallest Element In a BST Possible Bipartition
Cousins In Binary Tree Implement Trie Prefix Tree Count Square Submatrices With All Ones Counting Bits

June Challenge [Swift, Python, CPP]

Week 1: June 1st–June 7th Week 2: June 8th–June 14th Week 3: June 15th–June 21st Week 4: June 22nd–June 28th Week 5: June 29th–June 30th
Invert Binary Tree Power of Two Search in a Binary Search Tree Single Number II Unique Paths
Delete Node Is Subsequence Validate IP Address Count Complete Tree Nodes Word Search II
Two City Scheduling Search Insert Position Surrounded Regions Unique Binary Search Trees
Reverse String Sort Colors H Index-II Find the Duplicate Number
Random Pick With Weight Insert Delete Get Random Longest Duplicate Substring Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
Queue Reconstruction By Height Largest Divisible Subset Permutation Sequence Perfect Squares
Coin Change 2 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops Dungeon Game Reconstruct Itinerary

July Challenge [Swift]

Week 1: July 1st–July 7th Week 2: July 8th–July 14th Week 3: July 15th–July 21st Week 4: July 22nd–July 28th Week 5: July 29th–July 31st
Arranging Coins 3 Sum Reverse Words In a String Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock With Cooldown
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal-II Maximum Width of Binary Tree Pow(x,n) Single Number-III Word Break II
Prison Cells After N Days Flatten a Multilevel Doubly LinkedList Top K Frequent Elements All Paths From Source To Target ClimbingStairs
Ugly Number-II Subsets Course Schedule - II Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array II
Hamming Distance Reverse Bits Remove LinkedList Elements Add Digits
Plus One Same Tree Word Search Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
Island Perimeter Angle Between Hands of a Clock Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Task Scheduler

August Challenge [Swift]

Week 1: Aug 1st–Aug 7th Week 2: Aug 8th–Aug 14th Week 3: Aug 15th–Aug 21st Week 4: Aug 22nd–Aug 28th Week 5: Aug 29th–Aug 31st
Detect Capital Path Sum - III Non Overlapping Intervals Random Point In Non Overlapping Rectangles Pancake Sorting
Design HashSet Rotting Oranges Best Time To Buy And Sell Stocks - III Stream Of Characters Largest Component Size By Common Factor
Valid Palindrome Excel Sheet Column Number Distribute Candies To People Sum Of Left Leaves Delete Node In a BST
Power Of Four H-Index Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences Minimum Cost For Tickets
Add and Search Word Data Structure Design Pascal's Triangle - II Goat Latin Fizz Buzz
Find All Duplicates In An Array Iterator For Combination Reorder List Find Right Interval
Vertical Order Traversal Of A Binary Tree Longest Palindrome Sort Array By Parity Implement Rand10() Using Rand7()


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