Upload your webpack-generated assets to CDN, allowing renaming/rehashing.
Node 8+ (which supports
) isrequiredrecommanded. -
This plugin has NOT been tested on Windows platform.
This plugin supports webpack@4 ONLY.
: this plugin only works in production mode. -
: we only support/
or empty string (for simplicity). -
is preferred if your CDN provider can do compressing work.
npm install -D webpack4-cdn-plugin
# or
yarn add --dev webpack4-cdn-plugin
const WebpackCDNPlugin = require('webpack4-cdn-plugin')
module.exports = {
// ... other fields
plugins: [
// ...other plugins
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
const cdnPlugin = new WebpackCDNPlugin({
// whether to keep generated files (on local fs), default: `false`
keepLocalFiles: false,
// whether to keep generated sourcemaps, default: `false`
keepSourcemaps: false,
// whether to backup html files (before replaced), default: `false`
backupHTMLFiles: true,
// manifest file name (`String | false`)
manifestFilename: 'manifest.json',
// a function, which returns `Promise<url>`
// you can do your compressing works with content
// `params.content`: `String | Buffer`
// `params.extname`: file extension
// `params.file`: original file (with path)
uploadContent({ content, extname, file }) {
* Return falsy value means that you want to KEPP the
* file as it is. This usually happens with certain
* file types, which may not be supported by your CDN
* provider, or must be under the same origin with your
* HTML files(for example, files like `.wasm` that
* should be loaded by `fetch` or `XMLHttpRequest`).
* !!! Note !!!
* Be CAREFUL with media resources (especially images).
* When you are using an image in your CSS file, while
* deciding not to upload that it(the image), it CAN lead
* to an unexpected `404 (Not Found)` ERROR.
if (['ico', 'txt', 'wasm'].includes(extname)) {
return false
// You can also implement your own cache here
const hash = md5(content)
if (youCache.has(hash)) {
return youCache.get(hash)
return require('your-cdn-provider').uploadContent({
content: content,
fileType: getFileType(extname)
// for testing
// const hash = (Math.random() ).toString(16).split('.')[1]
// return Promise.resolve(`https://cdn.example.com/${hash}.${extname}`)