
[AED] Project developed for Algorithms and Data Structures course unit at FEUP

Primary LanguageC++

AED_T06_G60 - Airline Database Management

2021/2022 - 2nd Year, 1st Semester

Course - AED (Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados)

Project developed by

  • Isabel Amaral (up202006677)
  • Milena Gouveia (up202008862)
  • Sofia Moura (up201907201)

Project Description

The purpose of this project was to implement an information management system for an airline company that must store and allow to effectively manage information related to planes, flights, passengers and luggage.

Most of the main entities that were created for this project - Airport (class Aeroporto), Plane (class Aviao), Flight (class Voo), Passenger (class Passageiro), Ticket (class Bilhete), Luggage (class Bagagem) etc. - were managed using STL's linear data structures such as vectors, lists, stacks and queues. One single hierarchical data structure, in this case a BST, was used as well to manage all the transportation facilities located near each airport. We also tried to include as much CRUD basic operations as we could think of in order to illustrate the manipulation of every used data structure.

Implemented Features

Some of the features were required in the project's description (pt) - here. Bellow there's a listing of some of the features we thought were worth highlighting.

  • Diversified listings - The user has the possibility of checking for which flights they have a ticket through their passenger id and, for each ticket, what luggage he is allowed to bring.
  • Diversified listings with filters - It's possible for the user to check listings of all the flights offered by the company or of just some of them, such as the flights which leave from and/or arrive to a specific city determined by user input or the flights scheduled for specific dates. In a similar way, when looking to check a list of all the transportation means near one of the airports, the user also has the possibility to filter by the type of transport (Subway, Train or Bus) and provide different sorting criteria (distance - closest to furthest, availability - highest to lowest).
  • Flight cancellation and checking in to a flight (extra) - We implemented a feature that allows the user to check in one of their flights and another one that allows to cancel one of the tickets for a flight as long as the check-in hasn't been done yet.
  • Luggage related fines (extra) - During check-in, if the user wants to add luggage that exceeds the weight defined as the maximum weight allowed in their ticket or if they bring hand luggage when it's not allowed by their ticket, a fine is attributed.
  • Interactive Menu - In order to test and demonstrate the many features developed, we created a simple menu. Due to lack of time, we didn't manage to cover every single possibility of our code's functionalities, e.g. luggage transportation, but we still covered a big chunk of it.
  • Mock data - For an easier visualization of the developed functionalities through the menu, we created a fake dataset for each of our entities using text files - aeroportos.txt, avioes.txt, voos.txt, passageiros.txt, bilhetes.txt etc.
  • Code documentation - All the implemented classes were documented using doxygen. The complete generated documentation can be checked in the docs directory. Alternatively just open the index.html in your browser.

Program Development State

Because we had very little time and this was our biggest project up to the date (higher number of classes and relations between them), the code is very messy and could be improved in many ways. Also because we made the mistake of waiting until most features were implemented before implementing the menu and, therefore, have a better idea of whether everything was working well, a lot of bugs were found in the last couple of days before the final delivery. From the bugs detected, we managed to correct everything. However, there's still the possibility of having some undetected and that the menu breaks if not used properly. 😅

Overall we managed to develop a high number of features, even though the quality of the code isn't the best, and we did good use of the selected data structures, which was the main goal of the project.

For a more detailed project report (pt), check out ppt presentation here.