A service logics and service system innovation intellectual and community structure analysis over time (30 years)

This repository provides raw and processed data concerning an intellectual and community structure analysis over time.

We have performed a ten-step methodological process combining quantitative and qualitative methods as text mining, network analytics, and grounded theory to capture latent research topics, theories and authors over time.

The cleaned corpus has allowed us to quantitatively examine 796 English articles, published in 277 peer-reviewed journals, indexed in WoS and Scopus, which synthesises the intellectual structure of these areas of research between 1986 and 2015. A qualitative analysis completed this process.

Global content repository:

  • Raw data and processed data (ISI Web of Science and Scopus)
  • Text mining, factor analysis
  • Using network analytics to explore co-occurrence patterns: networks measures (modularity, eigenvector centrality distribution...) for community detection:
    • Authors by authors (P1, P2, P3 and total) networks
    • Authors by themes / theories (P1, P2, P3 and total) networks
  • Visualising co-occurrence networks by ForceAtlas2 layout and others:
    • Authors by authors (P1, P2, P3 and total) networks
    • Authors by themes / theories (P1, P2, P3 and total) networks

:shipit: Note: when opening .csv files please note that they are comma-delimited, with Unicode UTF-8 encoding.

For any question please contact: graph.node.edge@gmail.com