
Example of an Isomorphic App using ReactJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Example of an Isomorphic App using ReactJS

(Note: A bug is left intentionally in there...)

Quick Start

To have the application up an running in no time, follow the next few steps:

  1. Install node.js

  2. Install Gulp: npm install -g gulp

  3. Install all dependencies: npm install

  4. Create file .env in the project root folder. Example .env file:

  5. Start application by running gulp

  6. Access application on http://localhost:3000


Some of the major tools used are:

  • Gulp as the task runner
  • Browserify for bundling scripts for the browser, and enabling code sharing between client and server
  • SASS for CSS preprosessing
  • BrowserSync for serving synchronized browser testing

All tools are configured in the Gulpfile.js and will run transparently when gulp is started.

Use as a starting point

mkdir my-app
cd my-app
git clone https://github.com/miles-no/isomorphic-web.git .
rm -rf .git
git init
git add -A
git commit -m 'Initial commit'
npm install