
Elusive Collaboration? The Determinants of Lead Donorship in International Development

Primary LanguageR

Replication Files for "Elusive Collaboration? The Determinants of Lead Donorship in International Development"

You can access the article (open access) from The Review of International Organizations website here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11558-024-09555-2

To reproduce the results in the manuscript, you will need to download the replication dataset (final_data.rds) and use the .R script file that runs all the code for analyses, figures, and tables that appear in the paper (01_full_replication_code.R). The analysis was performed using R version 4.2.1 and using the following packages and versions:

#         Package    Version Built
# 1      coolorrr 4.2.1
# 2      estimatr      1.0.0 4.2.1
# 3  geomtextpath      0.1.1 4.2.1
# 4        GGally      2.1.2 4.2.3
# 5    kableExtra      1.3.4 4.2.1
# 6          metR     0.14.0 4.2.3
# 7          mgcv      1.9-0 4.2.3
# 8  RColorBrewer      1.1-3 4.2.0
# 9        texreg     1.38.6 4.2.1
# 10    tidyverse      2.0.0 4.2.3