UNA Mobile Apps

This is source code of UNA mobile apps for iOS and Android based on ReactNative.
Mobile apps need to have Nexus UNA app installed.


You need to have npm, react-native along with Android SDK and/or XCode installed to build apps.

After downloading source code, unpacking it, run:

npm install 

Then you can already try to run Andoid app with the following commands (Android emulator must be already running):

export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/android/sdk
react-native run-android

or iOS app (on Max OSX only):

react-native run-ios

Changing display name and bundle identifier

Lest assume that you want to rename app to Kookaburra and site name is kookaburra.io.
Then you need to change the following strings:

UNA.IO => Kookaburra
com.una.android => com.kookaburra.android
com.una.ios => com.kookaburra.ios
una.io => kookaburra.io

In the following files and some files need to be renamed:


android/app/src/main/java/com/una/android/MainActivity.java => android/app/src/main/java/com/kookaburra/android/MainActivity.java
android/app/src/main/java/com/una/android/MainApplication.java => android/app/src/main/java/com/kookaburra/android/MainApplication.java

In XCode change the following (make sure to open una.xcworkspace):

It will change the following files (don't edit these files directly):


Change images to your own

Change all images to your own in /img/ folder, leaving the same images dimensions.

To change launcher and icons for iOS and Android apps it's recommended to use special script, it can installed using the following command:

npm install -g yo generator-rn-toolbox

Then you can generate launcher images using the following commands:

yo rn-toolbox:assets --splash ./img/background.png --android
yo rn-toolbox:assets --splash ./img/background.png --ios

Icons for iOS app can be generated using the following command:

yo rn-toolbox:assets --icon ./img/icon.png --ios

To generate Icons for Android - export project (from /android/ folder) in Android Studio then:

  • Right click on the app/res folder, then click on New and then click on Image Asset
  • In the Icon Type field select Launcher Icons (Adaptive and Legacy)
  • In the path field, select logo_android.png file which is in /img/ folder
  • Once done, click on the Next button and then on the Finish button