
Benchmarks for scalac

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

JMH benchmarks for the Scala Compiler

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Goal: define a set of JMH benchmarks for the compiler to help drive performance tuning and catch performance regressions.

Based on:


Project Benchmark of
compilation The equivalent of scalac ...
micro Finer grained parts of the compiler
jvm Pure Java benchmarks to demonstrate JVM quirks
infrastructure Code to persist benchmark results and metadata


Learning about JMH options

sbt> compilation/jmh:run -help

Benchmarking compiler performance

  • (optional) add new Scala sources (say aardvark) to a new directory in src/main/corpus
compilation/jmh:run (Cold|Warm|Hot)CompilationBenchmark
   -p source=(<subdir of corpus>|/path/to/src/dir|@/path/to/argsfile)
   -p extraArgs=-nowarn
      # Note: `extraArgs` accepts multiple `|`-separated compiler arguments

Using aliases

Avoid the tedium of typing all that out with:

sbt> hot -psource=scalap
sbt> cold -psource=better-files

Changing Scala Version

sbt> set scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.12.0-ab61fed-SNAPSHOT"
sbt> set scalaHome in ThisBuild := Some(file("/code/scala/build/pack"))
sbt> set scalaHome in compilation := "2.11.1" // if micro project isn't compatible with "2.11.1"

Adding dependencies

List classpath entries for dependencies in a file /path/to/corpus/deps.txt.

Persisting results

  • Provide INFLUX_PASSWORD as an environment variable
  • Replace jmh/run with jmh:runMain scala.bench.UploadingRunner

Results will be uploading into an InfluxDB instance at https://scala-ci.typesafe.com/influx/. An quick introduction to InfluxDB is here.

These results will be plotted in our Grafana dashboard

The https://github.com/scala/compiler-benchq project triggers benchmarks for merges and sets of commits that we're backtesting (UI on https://scala-ci.typesafe.com/benchq).

Collecting profiling data

sbt> .../jmh:run Benchmark -prof jmh.extras.JFR // Java Flight Recorder

Using GraalVM

Install GraalVM for you operating system.

To run benchmarks on Linux:

sbt> compilation/jmh:run CompileSourcesBenchmark -jvm /path/to/graalvm/bin/java

And on OS X:

sbt> compilation/jmh:run CompileSourcesBenchmark -jvm /path/to/graalvm/Contents/Home/bin/java

To run only the open-source version of GraalVM add -jvmArgs -Dgraal.CompilerConfiguration=core to the command.

Exporting an args file from SBT

$ curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/retronym/78d016a3f10c62da2fd47cacac867f25/raw/65d9a1e8458d5984784ecf411d6c4d257bfdf0c1/ArgsFile.scala >  ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/ArgsFile.scala
$ cd /code/someProject
$ sbt core/compile:argsFilePrint
[info] Set current project to root (in build file:/Users/jason/code/better-files/)
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 02/09/2016 11:51:58 AM

Place this output into a file. The full path to that file can be passed to the -source= option to run the benchmark on that project: -psource=@/path/to/args/file