Serverless Test

Used to demo some features of the serverless framework.


Installing Serverless CLI

First, install Serverless.

For Windows users:

  • If you have Chocolatey installed, run choco install serverless
  • Otherwise, install Node.js and then run npm install -g serverless.

Check that serverless is installed by running the serverless command in a CLI.

Creating an AWS Account

To deploy the project, we will use AWS.

First, create an account with AWS (if you don't have one already).

Adding a user

Now that you have an account, we are going to create a user to sign in with on the command line.

Open the AWS console. Search for IAM in the box at the top, and go to the IAM Dashboard (first result). In the Access Management section on the left, select Users.

Click the Add User button, and create a user with the name "serverless-user". Tick the Programmatic access box - this will enable us to login using Serverless.

On the next tab, click the Attach existing policies directly tab, and tick the AdministratorAccess policy. Once you are more comfortable with AWS, you should go back and tune the policy options until it does exactly what you need and no more.

Skip the Add tags step, and then click Create User on the Review page.

Configuring Serverless.

Now that you have created a user, we need to add its credentials to the Serverless CLI. Go to the IAM/Users page, and click the user you created in the previous step.

Select the Security credentials tab, and click Create access key. Do not close the popup yet, or you will have to create a new user.

Now, go to your terminal and run the following command, substituting the access key ID and secret access key placeholders (remove the <>).

serverless config credentials --provider aws --key <access_key_id> --secret <secret_access_key>

If you make a mistake, you can overwrite your mistake by appending --overwrite to the above command.


Now that setup is done, clone this repository into a folder of your choosing.

git clone

Congratulations! You are now ready to build and deploy the project.


CD into the serverless-test directory, and then run the respective command to compile the code.






You are now ready to deploy the code to AWS! You can deploy to two stages - dev (used for testing) and prod (production, the "real world" deployment).

Deployment may take a minute or two. Be patient!


serverless deploy or serverless deploy --stage dev


serverless deploy --stage prod


You can check that you have deployed successfully by searching for "CloudFormation" in the AWS console. You should be able to see a stack titled backend-dev (or backend-prod). Click it, and click Resources to see a list of all the items that were deployed.

Note: ensure that your region in the top right is set to eu-west-2 (the default deployment region).


You can remove your deployment with the serverless remove command (remember to append --stage prod if you want to remove the production stack).