
A simple utility for executing multiple sequential or multi-threaded applications in a single multi-node batch job

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


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Launcher is a utility for performing simple, data parallel, high throughput computing (HTC) workflows on clusters, massively parallel processor (MPP) systems, workgroups of computers, and personal machines.

Installing Launcher in User Space

Launcher does not need to be compiled. Unpack the tarball or clone the repository in your $HOME directory (or another convenient directory). Then, set LAUNCHER_DIR to point to that directory (usually: export LAUNCHER_DIR=$HOME/launcher). Python 2.7 or greater and hwloc are required for full functionality. See INSTALL file for more information.

Verifying Installation

Quickstart Batch

Obtain a commands file and a batch job script with the launcher command to set up and run an initial test. For systems with modules (Software Mananagement System), load the launcher modulefile:

       module load launcher                #Sites with modules and launcher installed

or, for a User-Space installed launcher set LAUNCHER_DIR to its top-level directory

       export LAUNCHER_DIR=$HOME/launcher  #For user-installed launcher in $HOME dir.

Create a directory in your HOME directory to run a launcher test, and cd into it;

       cd; mkdir launcher_test; cd launcher_test

Copy a SLURM job script and a job file (list of execution commands) into this directory:

       cp $LAUNCHER_DIR/extras/examples/helloworldshort             commands
       cp $LAUNCHER_DIR/extras/batch-scripts/job_script_test.slurm  job

Submit the job script. (You may need to supply an account for the #SBATCH -A option in the script.) (If compute nodes have less than 16 cores, you may need to reduce the #SBATCH -n value.) The $LAUNCHER_DIR/paramrun line in the job script will execute the commands in the commands file.

       sbatch job

results will be written to the job output file (launcher_test.o...) in the present directory. Modify the commands and job files for your own work plan. There are many other features available for more complex workflow executions.

Quickstart Interactive

Execute all the above commands for the Qucikstart Batch section above, stopping after executing cp to obtain the commands file.

Copy the quicktest commands to the present directory:

       cp $LAUNCHER_DIR/extras/tests/quicktest*  .

Interactively obtain a compute node (in SLURM).
At TACC, execute the idev command, and wait for a compute node prompt. For non-TACC sites, see site instructions for node access through srun (for SLURM).

       idev   # at TACC
       srun ... #at non-TACC sites

Once you are on a compute node interactively, execute the quicktest (or quicktest2) command.


Output will be displayed to the terminal window. Modify the commands file for your own work plan. There are many other features available for more complex workflow executions.

Environment Variables

You should set the following environment variables:

  • $LAUNCHER_JOB_FILE is the file containing the "jobs" (commands) to run in your parametric submission.
  • $LAUNCHER_WORKDIR is the directory where the launcher will execute. All relative paths will resolve to this directory.

The launcher defines the following environment variables for each job that is started:

  • $LAUNCHER_NPROCS contains the number of processes running simultaneously in your parametric submission.
  • $LAUNCHER_NHOSTS contains the number of hosts running simultaneously in your parametric submission.
  • $LAUNCHER_PPN contains the number of processes per node.
  • $LAUNCHER_NJOBS contains the number of jobs in your job file.
  • $LAUNCHER_TSK_ID is the particular processing core that the job is running on, from 0 to $LAUNCHER_NPROCS-1.
  • $LAUNCHER_JID represents the particular job instance currently running. $LAUNCHER_JID is numbered from 1 to $LAUNCHER_NJOBS.

Example: If you want to redirect stdout to a file containing the unique ID of each line, you can specify the following in the paramlist file: a.out > out.o$LAUNCHER_JID

If this particular execution instance of a.out was the first line in the job file, the output would be placed in the file "out.o1".

Note: you can also use the launcher to run a sequence of serial jobs when you have more jobs to run than the requested number of processors.

Task Scheduling Behavior

The launcher has three scheduling methods, available by setting the environment variable $LAUNCHER_SCHED: (descriptions below assume k = task, p = num. procs, n = num. jobs)

  • dynamic (default) - task k executes first available unclaimed line
  • interleaved - task k executes lines k, k+p, k+p2, k+p3, etc.
  • block - task k executes lines [ k(n/p)+1, (k+1)(n/p) ]

Using Launcher on Multi-/Many-core Processors

Launcher uses the hwloc utility to determine layout of cores on the node. If hwloc is installed on your system and the commands are in the default PATH, Launcher will use this to partition the cores on node between the tasks. You can enable task binding by setting LAUNCHER_BIND=1 before calling paramrun.

Job Submission

Copy the example job submission script job_script.<sched> to your working directory to use as a starting point for interfacing with the desired batch system. The commands file contains the list of execution (commands) to run, one per line.

In the extras/batch-scripts directory there are example submission scripts:

  • SGE: launcher.sge
  • SLURM: launcher.slurm


The file paper/paper.bib contains the BibTeX-formatted citation list. Reference entry Wilson:2014:LSF:2616498.2616533 (i.e., in LaTeX: \cite{Wilson:2014:LSF:2616498.2616534}).