
Cluster analysis on Spotify audio features Problem definition: Examine a set of audiofeatures of songs and using clustering techniques identify potential genres. The goal is define genres and their characteristics. I used three different type of clustering: *PAM K-Medoids *clusteringAgglomerative clustering *Density based clustering

Primary LanguageR


Cluster analysis on Spotify audio features

Problem definition: Examine a set of audio_features of songs and using clustering techniques identify potential genres. The goal is define genres and their characteristics.

1.1 Explore the data

Data file contains 1657 rows and 12 Spotify audio features:

Songs were extracted using spotify API using sportifyr R package

1.2 Choose algorithms

I used three different type of clustering:

  • PAM K-Medoids clustering
  • Agglomerative clustering
  • Density based clustering

1.3 Dimentionality Reduction and Visualization

  • PCA

Clustering audio tracks and compare with existing genres

Problem definition: Created segmentation on dataset of audio tracks. Extracted genres to compare results.


Comming soon!!!