
This project was an assignment for the class : Compiler Construction 1 (srb. Programski Prevodioci 1). Please read the README.md file for more info.

Primary LanguageJava

MJ Compiler

This project was an assignment for the class : Compiler Construction 1 (srb. Programski Prevodioci 1)

The assignment and all the rules can be found in the assignment folder here.


1. Lexical analysis

2. Parsing

3. Semantic analysis

4. Code generating

todo improve readme by explaining every step


General advice is to use Intellij as it makes our lives simpler :)


The file to be compiled should be placed in the test

The extension of the file to be compiled should be .mj

The file to be used as input valued is program.in

To use the compiler, go to test/rs/ac/bg/etf/pp1/compiler

Set the name of the file to be compiled as a VM arguments (eg. program.mj)


To run the program, go to build.xml, and run the runObj target


To debug the program, remove the comment symbols in the build.xml, on line 74.