LeetCode - Grind75 Challenge

This is the repo which contains my solutions to the Grind75 study plan questions. I am using Java for this round.

Grind75 is a study plan that contains 75 LeetCode questions in an increasing difficulty order.

My aim is to solve all the problems in 8 weeks, which is the default plan. (Number of questions and weekly time allocation can be customized but I chose to stick with the default one.)

Main Challenge rules:

  1. Solve at least one question every day.
  2. Finish the plan at most in 8 weeks.
  3. Tweet about your progress daily.

Other rules:

  • On the first round, try to solve without taking any hints or looking at other solutions.
  • If you cannot come up with an optimized solution, try to do best. You can ignore time constraints in this case as long as all the tests pass.
  • If you get stuck on a question (for example trying for more than an hour), don't waste any more time and take a quick hint by looking at the example solutions, then try to solve again.

Questions solve so far

Day Date Question LeetCode link My solution
1 Nov 7, 2022 Two Sum LeetCode Java code
2 Nov 8, 2022 Valid Parentheses LeetCode Java code
3 Nov 9, 2022 Merge Two Sorted Lists LeetCode Java code
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock LeetCode Java code
4 Nov 10, 2022 Valid Palindrome LeetCode Java code
Invert Binary Tree LeetCode Java code
5 Nov 11, 2022 Valid Anagram LeetCode Java code
Binary Search LeetCode Java code
6 Nov 12, 2022 Flood Fill LeetCode Java code
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree LeetCode Java code
7 Nov 13, 2022 Balanced Binary Tree LeetCode Java code
Linked List Cycle LeetCode Java code
8 Nov 14, 2022 Implement Queue using Stacks LeetCode Java code
9 Nov 15, 2022 First Bad Version LeetCode Java code
Ransom Note LeetCode Java code