
Searchlight helps you build searches from options via Ruby methods that you write.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Searchlight is a low-magic way to build database searches using an ORM.

Searchlight can work with any ORM or object that can build a query using chained method calls (eg, ActiveRecord's .where(...).where(...).limit(...), or similar chains with Sequel, Mongoid, etc).

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Getting Started

An introductory video, the demo app it uses and the code for that app are available to help you get started.


The basic idea of Searchlight is to build a search by chaining method calls that you define. It calls public methods on the object you specify, based on the options you pass.

For example, if you have a Searchlight search class called YetiSearch, and you instantiate it like this:

  search = YetiSearch.new(
    active: true, name: 'Jimmy', location_in: %w[NY LA] # or params[:yeti_search]

... calling results on the instance will build a search by chaining calls to search_active, search_name, and search_location_in.

The results method will then return the return value of the last search method. If you're using ActiveRecord, this would be an ActiveRecord::Relation, and you can then call each to loop through the results, to_sql to get the generated query, etc.


Search class

A search class has three main parts: a target, options, and methods. For example:

class PersonSearch < Searchlight::Search

  # The search target; in this case, an ActiveRecord model.
  # This is the starting point for any chaining we do, and it's what
  # will be returned if no search options are passed.
  search_on Person.all

  # The options the search understands. Supply any combination of them to an instance.
  searches :first_name, :last_name

  # A search method.
  def search_first_name
    # If this is the first search method called, `search` here will be
    # the search target, namely, `Person`.
    # `first_name` is an automatically-defined accessor for the option value.
    search.where(first_name: first_name)

  # Another search method.
  def search_last_name
    # If this is the second search method called, `search` here will be
    # whatever `search_first_name` returned.
    search.where(last_name: last_name)

Here's a fuller example search class.

# app/searches/city_search.rb
class CitySearch < Searchlight::Search

  # `City` here is an ActiveRecord model (see notes below on the adapter)
  search_on City.includes(:country)

  searches :name, :continent, :country_name_like, :is_megacity

  # Reach into other tables
  def search_continent
    search.where('`countries`.`continent` = ?', continent)

  # Other kinds of queries
  def search_country_name_like
    search.where("`countries`.`name` LIKE ?", "%#{country_name_like}%")

  # For every option, we also add an accessor that coerces to a boolean,
  # considering 'false', 0, and '0' to be false
  def search_is_megacity
    search.where("`cities`.`population` #{is_megacity? ? '>=' : '<'} ?", 10_000_000)


Here are some example searches.

  # => "SELECT `cities`.* FROM `cities` "
CitySearch.new(name: 'Nairobi').results.to_sql
  # => "SELECT `cities`.* FROM `cities`  WHERE `cities`.`name` = 'Nairobi'"

CitySearch.new(country_name_like: 'aust', continent: 'Europe').results.count # => 6

non_megas = CitySearch.new(is_megacity: 'false')
  # => "SELECT `cities`.* FROM `cities`  WHERE (`cities`.`population` < 100000"
non_megas.results.each do |city|
  # ...


For each search option you allow, Searchlight defines two accessors: one for a value, and one for a boolean.

For example, if your class searches :awesomeness and gets instantiated like:

search = MySearchClass.new(awesomeness: 'Xtreme')

... your search methods can use:

  • awesomeness to retrieve the given value, 'Xtreme'
  • awesomeness? to get a boolean version: true

The boolean conversion is form-friendly, so that 0, '0', and 'false' are considered false.

All accessors are defined in modules, so you can override them and use super to call the original methods.

class PersonSearch < Searchlight::Search

  searches :names, :awesomeness

  def names
    # Make sure this is an array and never search for Jimmy.
    # Jimmy is a private man. An old-fashioned man. Leave him be.
    Array(super).reject { |name| name == 'Jimmy' }

  def searches_names
    search.where("name IN (?)", names)

  def awesomeness?
    # Disagree about what is awesome


Additionally, each search instance has an options accessor, which will have all the usable options with which it was instantiated. This excludes empty collections, blank strings, nil, etc. These usable options will be used in determining which search methods to run.

Defining Defaults

Set defaults using plain Ruby. These can be used to prefill a form or to assume what the user didn't specify.

class CitySearch < Searchlight::Search


  def initialize(options = {})
    self.continent ||= 'Asia'


  => "SELECT `cities`.* FROM `cities`  WHERE (`countries`.`continent` = 'Asia')"
CitySearch.new(continent: 'Europe').results.to_sql
  => "SELECT `cities`.* FROM `cities`  WHERE (`countries`.`continent` = 'Europe')"

You can define defaults for boolean attributes if you treat them as "yes/no/either" choices.

class AnimalSearch < Searchlight::Search

  search_on Animal.all
  searches :is_fictional
  def initialize(*args)
    self.is_fictional = :either if is_fictional.blank?
  def search_is_fictional
    case is_fictional.to_s
    when 'true'   then search.where(fictional: true)
    when 'false'  then search.where(fictional: false)
    when 'either' then search # unmodified

AnimalSearch.new(fictional: true).results.to_sql
  => "SELECT `animals`.* FROM `animals` WHERE (`fictional` = true)"
AnimalSearch.new(fictional: false).results.to_sql
  => "SELECT `animals`.* FROM `animals` WHERE (`fictional` = false)"
  => "SELECT `animals`.* FROM `animals`"


You can subclass an existing search class and support all the same options with a different search target. This may be useful for single table inheritance, for example.

class VillageSearch < CitySearch
  search_on Village.all

You can also use search_target to get the superclass's search_on value, so you can do this:

class SmallTownSearch < CitySearch
  search_on search_target.where("`cities`.`population` < ?", 1_000)

SmallTownSearch.new(country_name_like: 'Norfolk').results.to_sql
  => "SELECT `cities`.* FROM `cities`  WHERE (`cities`.`population` < 1000) AND (`countries`.`name` LIKE '%Norfolk%')"

Delayed scope evaluation

If your search target has a time-sensitive condition, you can wrap it in a callable object to prevent it from being evaluated when the class is defined. For example:

class RecentOrdersSearch < Searchlight::Search
  search_on proc { Orders.since(Time.now - 3.hours) }

This does make subclassing a bit more complex:

class ExpensiveRecentOrdersSearch < RecentOrderSearch
  search_on proc { superclass.search_target.call.expensive }

Dependent Options

To allow search options that don't trigger searches directly, just use attr_accessor.

Usage in Rails


Searchlight plays nicely with Rails forms. All search options and any attr_accessors you define can be hooked up to form fields.

# app/views/cities/index.html.haml
= form_for(@search, url: search_cities_path) do |f|
    = f.label      :name, "Name"
    = f.text_field :name

    = f.label      :country_name_like, "Country Name Like"
    = f.text_field :country_name_like

    = f.label  :is_megacity, "Megacity?"
    = f.select :is_megacity, [['Yes', true], ['No', false], ['Either', '']]

    = f.label  :continent, "Continent"
    = f.select :continent, ['Africa', 'Asia', 'Europe'], include_blank: true

  = f.submit "Search"
- @results.each do |city|
  = render 'city'


As long as your form submits options your search understands, you can easily hook it up in your controller:

# app/controllers/orders_controller.rb
class OrdersController < ApplicationController

  def index
    @search  = OrderSearch.new(search_params) # For use in a form
    @results = @search.results                # For display along with form
  def search_params
    # Ensure the user can only browse or search their own orders
    (params[:order_search] || {}).merge(user_id: current_user.id)

ActionView Adapter

Searchlight's ActionView adapter adds ActionView-friendly methods to your classes if it sees that ActionView is a defined constant. See the code for details, but the upshot is that you can use a search with form_for.


For any given version, check .travis.yml to see what Ruby versions we're testing for compatibility.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'searchlight'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install searchlight


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Shout Outs

  • The excellent Mr. Adam Hunter, co-creator of Searchlight.
  • TMA for supporting the initial development of Searchlight.