
C64 Source Code to Nemesis the Warlock


C64 Source Code to Nemesis the Warlock (c)Michael J Archer

One of the first examples of sprite duplication to have tall sprites using same sprite number. Using the overlapping technique. A shout out to an old friend Simon Nickol, and also Stavros Fasoulas who I beleive was one of the first people to discover this thechnique, I'm not 100% sure from memory if this was correct.

Development Started on 29th December 1986 The Source code was cross compiled via a BBC Micro computer witha parallel data link between the BBC user port and C64 port. The C64 had a modified ROM which I hotlinked my communication code which copyied itself to zero page, to allow entire memory to download to. This long since gone, but I have the Cable still, and the download side on the BBC was written into a custom BBC SWR (Side Ways Rom)