
Final Project of web technology

Primary LanguageVue

Postify Music (PM)


The social and comment website to share personal interest about music. Customers can share their idea about popular music and share resources.

Build Status


Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

Before Running

Add key.js in 'express-server/confog' as following:

module.exports = {
  mongoURI: '<mongdbURL>',
  secretKey: 'postify',
  osskey: '<OSSkey of Aliyun',


npm start


  • Home page: On the main section, there are the most popular and recommended posts. On the left side, it is a profile card or login/register entry
  • Personal page: Landing picture is on the top of page. And following section is history posts by user itself.
  • Setting page: A list of seetings include:
    • Account setting: password and personal login information
    • Recommendation setting: seting users' preferences about music like choosing music categories.
    • Preference setting: Set theme in the users' home page
    • Communcations: Add and delete friends
  • Admin Page:
    • Administrator uses it to set what posts are recommended and stick to top.
    • Collecting website data.

Framework and stack

To-do list

  • Comment Function

Last Update

2018-10-27 2018-12-10