
All the code I've created for different projects

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Code I've created for different projects.


  1. MHT IV: Multiple Hypothesis Testing in an instrumental variable setting, using Romano & Wolf's adjustment.
  2. Networks: Code related to the paper "Better Together? Social Networks in Truancy and the Targeting of Treatment" (Bennett & Bergman, 2019)
  3. Template_Matching: Code and data for simulation study of the paper "Building Representative Matched Samples with Multi-valued Treatments in Large Observational Studies" (Bennett, Vielma, & Zubizarreta, 2019)
  4. geocodeAPI: Reverse geocode function to get addresses (and its elements) from lat/lon, using Google's geocode API (code adapted from Kei Saito)
  5. geographic_characterization: Python script (for ArcGIS) to characterize a geographic area (e.g. school districts) using census tract level data. Stata dofile to analyze data as well.
  6. covid: Data, code, and gifs related to COVID-19 in Chile, with data from the Ministry of Health.

[Readme under construction]