
Efficient fish keybindings for fzf

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Slack Room

fzf provides efficient keybindings for the fzf utility. Heavily adapted from @hauleth's PR.


With fisherman

fisher fzf

Then, install the fzf utility by running:



  • Required fish version: >=2.2.0
  • Compatible fzf versions: >0.11.3

FZF binary

If the fzf binary is not detected in PATH, activating the key bindings will attempt to install it. The install directory is $HOME/.fzf.

If you wish to uninstall the binary, run:


Note that the binary is only installed for the current user.


Legacy New Keybindings Remarks
Ctrl-t Ctrl-f Find a file.
Ctrl-r Ctrl-r Similar to ^
Ctrl-x Alt-x Does the reverse isearch, and immediately executes command.
Alt-c Alt-d cd into sub-directories (recursively searched).
Alt-Shift-c Alt-Shift-d cd into sub-directories, including hidden ones.

Legacy keybindings are kept by default, but these have conflict with keybindings in fish 2.4.0. If you want to use the new keybindings, enter the following into your terminal:


NOTE: On OS X, Alt-c (Option-c) types ç by default. In iTerm2, you can send the right escape sequence with Esc-c. If you configure the option key to act as +Esc (iTerm2 Preferences > Profiles > Default > Keys > Left option (⌥) acts as: > +Esc), then alt-c will work for fzf as documented.


Variable Remarks Example
FZF_FIND_FILE_COMMAND Modify the command used to generate the list of files set -U FZF_FIND_FILE_COMMAND "ag -l --hidden --ignore .git"
FZF_CD_COMMAND Similar to ^ Similar to ^
FZF_CD_WITH_HIDDEN_COMMAND Similar to ^ Similar to ^
FZF_FIND_AND_EXECUTE_COMMAND Similar to ^ Similar to ^
FZF_REVERSE_ISEARCH_COMMAND Similar to ^ Similar to ^


Variable Remarks Example
FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS Default options passed to every fzf command set -U FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS "--height 40"
FZF_FIND_FILE_OPTS Pass in additional arguments to the fzf command for find file set -U FZF_FIND_FILE_OPTS "--reverse --inline-info"
FZF_CD_OPTS Similar to ^ Similar to ^
FZF_CD_WITH_HIDDEN_OPTS Similar to ^ Similar to ^
FZF_FIND_AND_EXECUTE_OPTS Similar to ^ Similar to ^
FZF_REVERSE_ISEARCH_OPTS Similar to ^ Similar to ^
FZF_TMUX Runs a tmux-friendly version of fzf instead. set -U FZF_TMUX 1