
想学angular2的朋友们可以看看,这个是angular官方配套源码,项目中一起上传了pdf(keywords: 前端学习使用资料笔记摘要源代码note learn 练习 study 入门basic 指导Reference 项目project framework 心得 例子 案例 example samle demo code phonecat test startkit starter promise js javascript ecmscript5 es6 babel typescript coffeescript atscript tsconfig jshint jslint csslint gulp grunt webpack chai mocha karma jasmine http-server fis3 descript it should toBe equal loader json phantomjs koa uglifyify jest mocks source-map-loader html html5 h5 dhtml css2 css3 层叠样式表 布局 postcss styus less sass bootstrap foundation node nodejs npm packacge.json cnpm server express fs angular angularjs angularjs1.x angular1.x controller ng-app $rootScope, $state, $stateParams views directive $http $scope $timeout factory service module ui-router ngRouter templateUrl ng-model ng-controller ng-include link compile restrict ng-grid ng-animate ng-pagination rxjs system.js protractor zone.js core.js)

Primary LanguageTypeScript



附带传送门https://github.com/qq83387856/ng2-book-code/tree/master/%E7%94%B5%E5%AD%90%E4%B9%A6 ######想要ng-book(1.5.x)源码请check。传送门 ####### ng-book 英文原版(1.5.x)和中文版(1.2.x)本传送门 https://github.com/qq83387856/ng-book-code/tree/master/pdf

更新版本 R30 ######更新时间 20160425 #####改动:基本上就是一些package.json版本的更新代码内容没什么变化。


ng-book 2: The Complete Guide to Angular 2 Sample Code


Hi! Here's the sample code for the book.

It's organized by chapter/topic. Generally, in the book we call out where you can find each code example.

Running the code

We're still unifying how each example should be run. Generally, you'll need to npm install and then see the README.md in each project for instructions to get the example going.


Angular 2 is still very young so some of the API is probably going to change. Also, we're still normalizing a build process for these examples, sorry for any clutter you might find. We'll send you an email when we have updates available.

Feedback & Bug Reports

We're currently developing the book and this code. If you have any feedback on things that aren't clear, or find any bugs just email us at: us@fullstack.io


Nate, Felipe, and the ng-book 2 team