
This project is an e-commerce platform designed to connect the Department of Agriculture (DA) with consumers directly.

User Types and Accounts

There are two main user types in the system:

  • Customers: These are registered users who can browse products, add items to their shopping cart, and place orders.
  • Department of Agriculture (DA): This account acts as the administrator and has full access to manage user accounts, product listings, order fulfillment, and sales reports.

Account Management

Customers register with their email address and create a username.

  • Upon registration, users are automatically assigned as customers.
  • The DA has a pre-assigned administrative account for managing the platform.
  • General public cannot access the platform without registering as a customer.
  • Login/Logout functionality allows secure access for customers.
  • Customers cannot access the admin dashboard or functionalities exclusive to the DA.

E-commerce Management (DA)

User Account Management:

  • The DA can view a list of all registered users and their total count.

Product Listings:

  • The DA can create and manage product listings.
  • Products include details like:
    • Product Name
    • Product Type (Crops or Poultry)
    • Product Price
    • Product Description
    • Quantity (Inventory Management)
  • The DA can update the stocks inventory of the products.
  • Sorting options allow organizing products by name, type, price, or quantity (ascending or descending).

Order Fulfillment:

  • The DA needs to confirm customer orders before they are finalized for delivery.

Sales Reports:

  • The DA can generate reports on: - Products sold with individual and total sales income. - Transaction summaries categorized by week, month, and year.

Shop (Customer Users)

Product Listings and Order Fulfillment:

  • Browse product listings with sorting options based on name, type, price, or quantity (ascending or descending).
  • Manage shopping cart functionalities: - Delete items - View total number of items - Calculate total price

Order Management:

  • Orders serve as confirmation for items purchased.
  • Customers can cancel orders before confirmation by the DA.

How to run


  1. Node.js and npm: You'll need Node.js and npm installed on your system. You can download them from the official website

  2. MongoDB: Download and install MongoDB from the official website Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

  3. Project dependencies:

  • Navigate to the server directory in your terminal and run the following command:
npm install
  • Navigate to the client directory in your terminal and run the following command:
npm install

These command will install all the necessary dependencies listed in your package.json file.

Next, create a .env file in the server directory and include this line:


If you want sample products to be in the app, you must have MongoDB Compass and import farm-to-table.products.json to the products collection.

Running the Project:

  1. Start the server: In your terminal, navigate to the server directory and run:
npm start

This will typically start the server-side application.

  1. Start the client: In your terminal, navigate to the client directory and run:
npm start

This will start the client-side application.