
a 75% Alice-like keyboard based on the Arisu

MIT LicenseMIT


The Adelheid is a 75% Alice-like keyboard.
It's a fork of FateNozomi's Arisu files: Arisu PCB & Arisu case

This repo is a hand-wired version forked from floookay's Adelheid with some changes.

This repository includes files for:

Changes in this fork

Here is a list of things I added in this fork in comparison to the original Adelheid:

  • replaced page up with a rotary encoder
  • lowered home, end, and page up keys (will change into media keys)
  • added win and right control keys
  • used pro micro as the controller
  • changed thickness of some acrylics


A spaced 75% layout on top of the Alice/Arisu-layout.

Keyboard-Layout-Editor layout


See firmware


For more images see images.md.