
DTR Worker capacityMap Updater

Primary LanguageShell

DTR Worker capacityMap Updater


This script will list, update, and reset DTR's capacityMap mirror, scan, and scanCheck based on the number of cores per DTR replica (i.e. DTR Worker node).

How to Run

You may build a Docker image and then run the image wherever you so chose. Or, you can run the bash script directly.

How to Run: Docker Image

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Build the Docker image:

    docker image build -t dtr_worker:1.0 -f ./Dockerfile .

  3. Run the Docker image:

    read -sp 'Password: ' password; docker container run -it --rm -e ucp_server="ucp.example.com" -e dtr_server="dtr.example.com" -e username="admin-user" -e password=${password} dtr_worker:1.0 <command>

How to Run: bash script

  1. Run the script:

    username=admin-user; \
    ucp_server=ucp.example.com; \
    dtr_server=dtr.example.com; \
    read -sp 'Password: ' password; ./dtr_worker.sh <command>


clemenko:clemenko Desktop $ ./dtr_worker.sh usage
 Usage: ./dtr_worker.sh {list  - list current map |  update  - update map to half core |  reset  - reset values to 1}

Sample get output

clemenko:clemenko Desktop $ username=admin-user; \
ucp_server=ucp.example.com; \
dtr_server=dtr.example.com; \
read -sp 'Password: ' password; ./dtr_worker.sh list

 connecting to UCP for node name and node NanoCPU values, then connecting to DTR to get capacityMap for each DTR replica.
 connecting to UCP for a token and the list of DTR replicas
 Node = ip-172-33-23-244.us-west-2.compute.internal Replica = a07a1ebe2036 CPU = 4000000000 
  "mirror": 1,
  "scan": 2,
  "scanCheck": 2
 Node = ip-172-33-47-225.us-west-2.compute.internal Replica = 543ab90f1e19 CPU = 4000000000 
  "mirror": 1,
  "scan": 2,
  "scanCheck": 2
 Node = ip-172-33-7-220.us-west-2.compute.internal Replica = 0c5c109ed45c CPU = 4000000000 
  "mirror": 1,
  "scan": 2,
  "scanCheck": 2

Sample update output

clemenko:clemenko Desktop $ username=admin-user; \
ucp_server=ucp.example.com; \
dtr_server=dtr.example.com; \
read -sp 'Password: ' password; ./dtr_worker.sh update

 connecting to UCP for a token and the list of DTR replicas
 updating DTR workers
  Updated a07a1ebe2036  [ok] 
  Updated 543ab90f1e19  [ok] 
  Updated 0c5c109ed45c  [ok] 
clemenko:clemenko Desktop $ username=admin-user; \
ucp_server=ucp.example.com; \
dtr_server=dtr.example.com; \
read -sp 'Password: ' password; ./dtr_worker.sh list

 connecting to UCP for node name and node NanoCPU values, then connecting to DTR to get capacityMap for each DTR replica.
 connecting to UCP for a token and the list of DTR replicas
 Node = ip-172-33-23-244.us-west-2.compute.internal Replica = a07a1ebe2036 CPU = 4000000000 
  "mirror": 2,
  "scan": 2,
  "scanCheck": 4
 Node = ip-172-33-47-225.us-west-2.compute.internal Replica = 543ab90f1e19 CPU = 4000000000 
  "mirror": 2,
  "scan": 2,
  "scanCheck": 4
 Node = ip-172-33-7-220.us-west-2.compute.internal Replica = 0c5c109ed45c CPU = 4000000000 
  "mirror": 2,
  "scan": 2,
  "scanCheck": 4