
Config files and settings

Primary LanguagePython

Dotfiles and scripts

Simple collection of configs and scripts to help manage configurations that are important to me.

Things to love about...


  • Inline man pages with Esc+h
  • Smarter history search Ctrl+r
    • Supports regex ^rm
    • Scroll matching commands <comand>+Up/Down
  • Smart tab completion


Easily configure:

  • Themes
    • Git aware prompts
  • Modules
    • Smart-er tab completion


It is like irssi but easier!

  • Configurable inside the client
  • Plugins
    • Aspell
      • In-line spellcheck
    • Scripts
      • bufers.pl (server and chatlist buffer)
      • iset.pl (interactive plugin editor)
      • screen_away.py (sets away on detach)
    • Filters
      • irc_smart_filter
  • Buffers
  • Logs
  • Colors


Like screen? Try tmux. Period.

illustrated version

                                                |        |             
     XXXXXXXXX                                  |        |             
  XXXX       XXX                                +--------+             
XXX            XX                               |                      
X               X      +-------------------------------+-+             
X               X   +--+-------------------------------+               
XX              X   |                           |      |               
 XX             X   |    computer               |      |               
  XXXX        XXX   |       box                 |      |   XXXXX       
     XXXXXXXXXX     |                     XXXXXX|XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX    
                    |                     X     |      |          XX   
                    |                    XX     |      |           XXX 
                    +--------------------X---------+---+             X 
                                         X      |  |                 XX
       +----------------------+          XX     |  |    +             X
       |                      |           XX    |  |    +-------+>    X
       |       weechat        |         +----------+----+       |     X
       |                      |         |    XXX|               |    XX
       +----------------------+         |      X|XXX            |    X 
                                        |       |  XXXXXXXXXX   | XXX  
                                        |       |           XXXX|XX    
                                        +-------+               |
                                                         git  <-+--->  config files