
SDK to build native clients using the Millicast platform.


Millicast Native SDK

The Native SDK is designed to simplify Dolby.io Streaming integration into Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux applications. Using the SDK you can stream high-value content at scale with ultra-low latency.


The SDK is currently supported on the following operating systems:

  • Android 7.0+
  • iOS 14.5+
  • macOS 10.15+
  • Windows 10+
  • Ubuntu 20+


The SDK offers a set of packages for each platform. You can find more information about the packages in the following table:

Platform Package name
Android millicast-native-sdk-version-Android.zip
iOS millicast-native-sdk-version-XCFramework.zip
macOS millicast-native-sdk-version-macos-arm64.zip
macOS millicast-native-sdk-version-macos-x64.zip
macOS millicast-native-sdk-version-macos-Framework.zip
Windows millicast-native-sdk-version-windows-x64.zip
Ubuntu GNU libstdc++ library millicast-native-sdk-version-ubuntu22-x64-gnu-std.deb
Ubuntu GNU libstdc++ library millicast-native-sdk-version-ubuntu20-x64-gnu-std.deb
Ubuntu LLVM libc++ library millicast-native-sdk-version-ubuntu22-x64-llvm-std.deb
Ubuntu LLVM libc++ library millicast-native-sdk-version-ubuntu20-x64-llvm-std.deb
Debian11 arm-v8a GNU libstdc++ library millicast-native-sdk-version-debian11-armv8a-nox11-nopulse-gnu-std.deb


If you want to start using the SDK, see the following instructions and documentation: