
Automated roadtrip planning app - with simple data about a user's preferences and trip details, MakeTheTrip's algorithm utilizes Google Places API to crawl the route and flag locations. After sorting the flagged location by popularity and region, a roadtrip itinerary recommendation is made.

Primary LanguageSwift

Automated roadtrip planning app - with simple data about a user's preferences and trip details, MakeTheTrip's algorithm utilizes Google Places API to crawl the route and flag locations. After sorting these locations by popularity and region, a balanced roadtrip itinerary recommendation is made.

Description of Files

  • MakeTheTrip/MakeTheTrip/CrawlingAndSortingAlgorithms Responsible for executing the actual itinerary generation algorithm.

    • CrawlForPlaceIDs

      An object in this class has two instance variables - one to store the Google Place IDs of locations picked up along the crawl, and one to tell whether the crawl is complete. Uses Google Places API NearBySearch request.

    • DeepCrawl

      Similar to CrawlForPlaceIDs, but instead queries place IDs to store more detailed information about flagged locations along the route. Uses Google Places API PlaceDetails request.

    • JSONDecoderHelper

      Contains structs to aid URLRequest JSONDecoder. This outlines all of the information that is obtained from Google NearBySearch and PlaceDetails requests.

    • LocationFunctions

      Contains many helper functions used when dealing with location data:

      • breaking up longer routes into smaller subroutes
      • reading user input location data, converting to geolocational data used in URLRequest
    • TripGeneration

      Class responsible for putting together all of the ones above. An instance of the trip class contains all user input data about their trip (start, end, preferred # of stops, keyword preferences) as well as variables to store data from the trip generation. Complete trip gives a recommended preference-specific itinerary along the route.

  • MakeTheTrip/MakeTheTrip/Views Responsible for user interface behavior and content views.


2 example outputs to test performance of algorithm, one along the West Coast from Seattle -> Los Angeles, and the second cross-US from New Orleans -> Long Beach.

Next Steps

  • Implement Google AutoComplete API so the starting point and destination UITextFields can be more user friendly (autocompleting cities and addresses)
  • Create a user interface view that nicely displays trip data above and allows user to edit locations along trip (add, swap, remove)