M12.SlickCarousel - Slick carousel for Neos CMS

Slick Carousel node type for Neos CMS.


  • Install this Neos plugin via composer:
composer require m12/neos-nodetype-slickcarousel:dev-master
  • Install Slick code in your site package. Refer to Slick documentation for details, you will need to include slick.js, slick.css and perhaps slick-theme.css to your page.

  • Add the following code to the end of BODY tag:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var slickEl = $('.m12-slickcarousel-slick');
    $(slickEl).on('init', function(event, slick) {
        // Support non-standard 'nextOnClick' option:
        if (slick.slickGetOption('nextOnClick')) {
            $(slick.$slider).on('click', function() {
    // Initialise Slick

Also see the Pb.Site site package for a complete example of how to install it with npm/gulp.


Licensed under: The MIT License (MIT)

Sponsored by PrototypeBrewery.io - the new prototyping tool for building fully interactive prototypes of your website or web app. Built on top of Neos CMS and Zurb Foundation framework.