This is a million12/php-testing container for running PHP tests using phpunit and/or Behat tests. Selenium server is installed and running, also there is a VNC server so you can connect to it to inspect the browser while tests are running.
This container is based on the million12/nginx-php container. If you use it for you application, you have exactly the same environment for the application and for testing. That gives you consistent results and a guarantee that if your test are passing, your app is working.
For different PHP versions, look up different branches of this repository.
On Docker Hub you can find them under different tags:
- PHP 7.0 # built frommaster
- PHP 7.0 # built fromphp70
- PHP 5.6 # built fromphp56
- PHP 5.5 # built fromphp55
Here is an example how you can run your unit, functional and Behat test. In the example we are running TYPO3 Neos tests: unit, functional and Behat altogether.
First, launch containers with TYPO3 Neos (we use million12/typo3-neos image for that):
docker run -d --name=db --env="MARIADB_PASS=my-pass" million12/mariadb
docker run -d --name=neos -p=12345:80 --link=db:db \
--env="T3APP_DO_INIT_TESTS=true" \
--env="T3APP_VHOST_NAMES=neos dev.neos" \
Now, having your application running in neos
container, application data in /data/www/neos, here's how you can run tests against it:
docker run -ti --volumes-from=neos --link=neos:web --link=db:db -p=4444:4444 -p=5900:5900 million12/php-testing "
echo \$WEB_PORT_80_TCP_ADDR \$WEB_ENV_T3APP_VHOST_NAMES >> /etc/hosts && cat /etc/hosts && \
su www -c \"
cd /data/www/typo3-app && \
echo -e '\n\n======== RUNNING TYPO3 NEOS TESTS =======\n\n' && \
bin/phpunit -c Build/BuildEssentials/PhpUnit/UnitTests.xml && \
bin/phpunit -c Build/BuildEssentials/PhpUnit/FunctionalTests.xml && \
bin/behat -c Packages/Application/TYPO3.Neos/Tests/Behavior/behat.yml
Have a look at million12/typo3-neos repository for a complete example. Tests there are described in circle.yml and are running on CircleCI.
Note: port 4444 allows you to connect with the browser to Selenium server. Port 5900 allows to connect to VNC server (with VNC client) and see how the tests are executed in the Selenium browser.
Author: Marcin Ryzycki (
Sponsored by Prototype Brewery - the new prototyping tool for building highly-interactive prototypes of your website or web app. Built on top of Neos CMS and Zurb Foundation framework.