
VSFTP Server in a Docker

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VSFTPD Server in a Docker

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Deploy to Docker Cloud

This vsftpd docker image is based on official CentOS 7 image and comes with following features:

  • Virtual users
  • Passive mode (ports 21100-21110)
  • Logging to a file or STDOUT
  • Anonymous account access (defined by user on docker run true/false)

### Environmental Variables

Default: FTP_USER=admin
Accepted values: Any string. Avoid whitespaces and special chars.
Description: Username for the default FTP account. If you don't specify it through the FTP_USER environment variable at run time, admin will be used by default.
Default: FTP_PASS=random
Accepted values: Any string.
Description: If you don't specify a password for the default FTP account through FTP_PASS, a 16 characters random string will be automatically generated. You can obtain this value through the container logs.
Default: LOG_STDOUT=false
Accepted values: true or false
Description: Output vsftpd log through STDOUT, so that it can be accessed through the container logs.
Accepted values: true or false
Description: Grants access to user anonymous need to have access to files in /var/ftp/pub directory.
Accepted values: true or false
Description: Changes the permmissions of uploaded files to rw- r-- r--. This makes files readable by other users.
Accepted values: ip address or false
Description: Passive Address that gets advertised by vsftpd when responding to PASV command. This is useul when running behind a proxy, or with docker swarm.

Basic usage

docker run \
  --name vsftpd \
  -d \

example output of docker logs vsftpd

[VSFTPD 11:00:46] Created home directory for user: admin
[VSFTPD 11:00:46] Updated /etc/vsftpd/virtual_users.txt
[VSFTPD 11:00:46] Updated vsftpd database
[VSFTPD 11:00:46] Fixed permissions for newly created user: admin
       	· FTP User: admin
       	· FTP Password: Al5HpyJtUp3fQiEe
       	· Log file: /var/log/vsftpd/vsftpd.log
[VSFTPD 11:00:46] VSFTPD daemon starting

Custom usage

docker run \
  --name vsftpd \
  -d \
  -e FTP_USER=www \
  -e FTP_PASS=my-password \
  -p 20-21:20-21 \
  -p 21100-21110:21100-21110 \

example output of docker logs vsftpd

[VSFTPD 11:04:43] Enabled access for anonymous user.
[VSFTPD 11:04:43] Created home directory for user: www
[VSFTPD 11:04:43] Updated /etc/vsftpd/virtual_users.txt
[VSFTPD 11:04:43] Updated vsftpd database
[VSFTPD 11:04:43] Fixed permissions for newly created user: www
       	· FTP User: www
       	· FTP Password: my-password
       	· Log file: /var/log/vsftpd/vsftpd.log
[VSFTPD 11:04:43] VSFTPD daemon starting

since docker version 1.5 ports can be exported in range

Docker troubleshooting

Use docker command to see if all required containers are up and running:

$ docker ps

Check logs of docker container:

$ docker logs vsftpd

Sometimes you might just want to review how things are deployed inside a running container, you can do this by executing a bash shell through docker's exec command:

docker exec -ti vsftpd /bin/bash

History of an image and size of layers:

docker history --no-trunc=true million12/vsftpd | tr -s ' ' | tail -n+2 | awk -F " ago " '{print $2}'


Author: Przemyslaw Ozgo (przemek@m12.io)
This work is also inspired by fauria's work. Many thanks!

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