
Small module for drawing text chapters with PIL

Primary LanguagePython

Small module for drawing text with PIL

It is created for two purposes:

  • drawing text in a rectangle area with auto font size
  • drawing large texts with page creating and paragraph support


Module provides a class named Texter. When you create this class you can set a lot of params in it:

  • text_align - text align, at the moment can have one of three predefined values - texter.DRAW_ALIGN_LEFT(default), texter.DRAW_ALIGN_CENTER and texter.DRAW_ALIGN_RIGHT

  • font_color - a tuple with three elements in it. For color definition according to RGB. By default it equals (0, 0, 0)

  • font_size - an integer font size value. By default it equals 15

  • fill_color - color for page background. It is a tuple with three elements in it. For color definition according to RGB. By default it is False

  • paragraph_indent - count of spaces which will be prepended to each paragraph for simulating first line indent. Default value - 6

  • font_file - full path to font file, that will be used for drawing. By default it is 'arial.ttf', included to the module.

  • padding - a dictionary with page padding values. By default it equals { 'left': 50, 'right': 50, 'top': 50, 'bottom': 50 }

  • paragraph_margin - an integer value defines free space between paragraphs. Default value - 5

  • use_shadow - a boolean value indicates using shadow effect for text. Default value - False

  • shadow_color - color of the text shadow. It is a tuple with three elements in it. For color definition according to RGB. By default it equals (72, 72, 72)

  • shadow_offsets - an offsets used for shadow drawing. Default - (-2, 2)

Function texter.Texter.rect_text(image, rect, text)

Provides drawing small text string in a rectangle area.

  • image - an Image instance
  • rect - the 4-tuple that defines a region, where coordinates are (left, upper, right, lower)
  • text - a string to draw it in the box

You can see usage example in file texter/tests/draw_rect_text_test.py This file also can be executed and generated image will appear at the tests/output folder

Function texter.Texter.draw_chapter(text, canvas_size)

Provides drawing large text chapter with pages generating.

Returns a list of Image instances.

  • canvas_size - a tuple with two integer elements (width, height) which defines a page size

You can see usage example in file texter/tests/draw_chapter_test.py This file also can be executed and all generated images will appear at the tests/output folder