This is a fictional Web Development Agency we built to practice Semantic HTML, CSS Guidlines and Accessibility. Any Pictures or logos are for display only.
- Read the resources
- Understand the Semantic HTML, CSS Guidelines
- Understand the BEM
- Read the Accessibility Checklist to make website functional for all users
- Understand ARIA (For visually impaired users)
- Learn how to use Git and Github when pair programming
- Navigating between local branch and remote branch, starting pull requests on Github to be reviewed by other person
- Practice git commands like git commit, pull, merge, branch, checkout
- Solving conflicts when files differ are both attemping to be merged to main branch on Github Repo
- Learning how to delete a local branch
- Remembering to pull latest version of code from main branch on Github to local terminal
- Learn how to work in pair
- Pull requests need to be reviewed by the other person and no updates can be made until these are closed
- Learning to collaborate with the progress of individual ideas
- Put into practice what we have learned through research and from each other
- [] Visually display errors in contact form
- [] Use
with media queries on the root element to scale the website, proportionality and maintainability - [] Organise CSS Variables so they are all correctly matched with clear names
- [] Continue to add content and check responsiveness and colour scheme for Colour blind users