Who said that ❔ 🥸

Deployed version here!

Our idea is to create a database app where people can post their own random questions or facts about themselves to the home page and the names of who posted what will be hidden on another page with the name, FAC cohort (id as number) information by a reveal button as a starting poin

Team 1 Roles

  • DevOps - Miah
  • Quality Assurance - Oli
  • User Experience - Milly
  • Scrum Facilitator - Adam

How to install

  • Git clone https://github.com/fac-23/week2-database
  • Run command npm install in terminal.
  • Start sever run command npm run dev.
  • Run cypress testing run command npm run test.
  • Or can access locally on localhost:3333

User Stories 👥

As a user, I want to: submit information to your site for anyone to see As a user, I want to: come back to your site later and see what I posted is still there

Core ✨

-[x]A form for users to submit data -[x] A page showing all the data -[x] Semantic form elements with correctly associated labels -[ ] A Postgres database hosted on Heroku -[x] A schema describing your database in your README -[x] Tests for server routes and database access -[x] Not process user input as SQL commands -[x] Hidden environment variables (i.e. not on GitHub)

Stretch 🌱

-[ ] A way to view filtered/sorted data, instead of just all of it -[ ] GitHub Actions CI setup to run your tests when you push

What we learn't

Future improvements