Prisma Extension Starter

This package is a template to get ready and publish a Client Extension.


For good practices, published extensions should not directly depend on the Prisma Client. Instead, @prisma/client should be a peer dependency. Because of this, it is recommended to use the ^ in your peer dependency version.

💡 Please be aware that Prisma Client Extensions are in preview, this means we can ship breaking changes without respecting versioning until the feature is generally available.


The npm run build script is used to compile the extension and outputs the js contents into the dist folder. It will emit both js and ts.


The extension code should be written in the src folder in the index.ts file. An extension must be exported and be defined with Prisma.defineExtension.

In generated clients, Prisma.defineExtension has rich auto-complete support. Here, we are in a non-generated context, and auto-completions are best-effort.

Also, you should not import the generated client directly. Instead, you will need to depend on the stub Prisma Client files for non-generated clients.

import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client/scripts/default-index'


import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client/scripts/default-index'

export const simpleExtension = Prisma.defineExtension({
  model: {
    $allModels: {
      simpleCall<T, A>(this: T, args: Prisma.Exact<A, Prisma.Args<T, 'findFirst'>>) {
        return {} as Prisma.Result<T, A, 'findFirst'>