Getting Started

Installation and Configuration

To simplify our description, we refer the directory of CSIM-20 as "CSIM directory" and the directory containing this README file as "project directory".

  1. We assume that you have purchased CSIM-20 and had it installed in your machine.

  2. Go to CSIM directory, you can find a file csim.gpp and a directory lib/. Create links of csim.gpp and lib/ in the project directory.

ln -s CSIM-directory/csim.gpp project-directory/csim.gpp
ln -s CSIM-directory/lib/ project-directory/lib/

  1. In the project directory, configure the system settings in config/sysSetting.xml.

  2. In the project directory, compile by "make" and call "./main" to generate the output. If you want to store the output of program, redirect the output to a target file by calling "./main > [target file]".

Explanation of Output

The output can be interpreted line-by-line. Each line contains information of one operation. The format is:

[operation code]: begins [starting time] ends [ending time]

For example,

stripeOp: begins 1175.538349 ends 1193.102391

indicates that one striping operation starts at 1175.5s and ends at 1193.1s.

There are three types of operations:

  • encodeOp: the encoding operation that transforms the replicated data of one stripe into erasure coded format.
  • inClusWriteOp: the write operation issued by a DataNode.
  • writeOp: the write operation issued from a client located outside the cluster.

For Developers

Below are the major modules of the simulator.

  • TrafficManager: manages stripe (encode) stream and write stream.
  • Topology: manages transmission resources (links) and (tree-structured) network topology.
  • PlacementManager:generated replicated block layouts with either EAR or conventional placement.
  • FlowGraph: implementation of the flow graph algorithm in EAR.

You can go to src/ and find the source files of each component.

There is a doxygen-generated documentation in the directory html/.

  |                TrafficManager             |
  |                      |  PlacementManager  |
  |        Topology      |        ------------|
  |                      |        | FlowGraph |